
The Ministry of Education solemnly reminds

author:Hanjiang News
The Ministry of Education solemnly reminds
The Ministry of Education solemnly reminds

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Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment and admission period of colleges and universities, and the enrollment and admission work of colleges and universities is about to start. Some criminals use high-tech means to commit fraud by fabricating false information, false and exaggerated publicity, and creating anxiety about applying for the exam. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education on June 29 that the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, solemnly reminded the majority of candidates and parents to understand and confirm the examination enrollment policies and information from official channels, and beware of being deceived and suffering various losses.

The Ministry of Education solemnly reminds

It is reported that during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, some lawbreakers claimed to have special internal channels and mastered the internal enrollment quota in order to achieve the purpose of defrauding money. The Ministry of Education reminds that there is a strict workflow for college admissions, and there are no so-called "internal indicators". Be highly vigilant against such scam information that "you can buy a college place for money" and don't be deceived.

In addition, some candidates' college entrance examination scores do not meet the admission requirements of colleges and universities, but candidates and parents still have a strong desire to go to college, so they are used by criminals to pay high admission fees and handling fees. The Ministry of Education reminds candidates and parents to carefully distinguish between general higher education and other forms of education, and choose the learning method that suits them.

The Ministry of Education also reminds that you should look for the "official website" logo, confirm the admission information through the official release and certification website, and pay attention to screening when receiving the admission notice information.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Edit | Chen Shaoxi Editor| Lin Yixia

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