
The proprietress "snatched" the collection code, and it was on fire!

author:Nakahara shield
The proprietress "snatched" the collection code, and it was on fire!

In the past few days, this video has become popular on the Internet-

The female shopkeeper in Huangshan took the payment code

"Domineering" is free for the rescue team from Zhengzhou, Henan!

The rescue team crossed the province to support the disaster area

and the kindness of the owner

This two-way love is touching

Warmer the city in the wind and rain

Dawan news reporters rushed to the scene

Listen to the people behind the story

The proprietress "snatched" the collection code, and it was on fire!

Zhang Zhifang grabbed the collection code "domineering" free order (screenshot of the live video)

The rescue team dined in the store, and the owner was "domineering" and free of charge

"I really didn't expect so many people to pay attention, we just did our best." On June 29, in Tunxi District, Huangshan City, a Dawan News reporter met Zhang Zhifang and Wang Jiejian, who were busy in the store, and said so modestly about the praise of netizens.

Zhang Zhifang recalled that on the evening of June 24, a group of people came to their restaurant for dinner, and the words "Zhongzhou Emergency Rescue" were printed on their clothes. Seeing that the other party was busy until the evening before eating, and ordering simple vegetarian dishes, her lover quickly asked the kitchen to add two dishes and decided to free the order.

When the team members went to the front desk to pay after eating, they insisted on paying, and in a hurry, Zhang Zhifang had to grab the payment code and free the order for the players. After this scene was photographed by other customers in the store and posted online, it quickly attracted attention and was praised by netizens as a heart-warming act of kindness.

The proprietress "snatched" the collection code, and it was on fire!

The shop advocates Zhifang

Zhang Zhifang introduced that she and her husband are both from She County, and the disaster in her hometown this time, many foreign rescue teams trekked thousands of miles into the disaster area to rescue and relieve the disaster, which is touching, as a local, she hopes to express her gratitude to the rescuers in this way. Zhang Zhifang also mentioned that in the chat, the team members once said, "The rain doesn't stop, we won't leave!" This sentence has always lingered in her heart, and the more she thinks about it, the more heart-warming she feels.

Zhang Zhifang's husband Wang Jiejian is also a veteran, who has participated in flood fighting and rescue many times, and can better understand the hard work of the rescue team members, "The rescue team members stepped forward and charged forward, it was very hard, and we were very happy to be able to do a little bit of our best." Wang Jiejian said that as long as the rescue team members come to the store to eat, they will be free of charge, and the meals will be full.

The love that goes both ways, continues to be moved

Henan Zhengzhou Zhongzhou emergency rescue team across the province to support the disaster area, the local people with kindness to give back to the charity, this scene was called "two-way love" by netizens, in the process of on-site interviews, Dawan News reporter learned that this two-way love originally had a sequel.

Zhang Zhifang told reporters that she and the team members left contact information for each other that day, and later, she watched the heavy rain continue, considering that the rescue team was very hard in the front line of rescue and disaster relief, so she wanted to cook some hot dishes and send them hot meals, but the team members said that they didn't want to trouble her, and politely declined. Unexpectedly, on June 28, the team members made a special trip to the door and sent some small specialties they brought from their hometown to thank her for her kindness and say goodbye. "The flood is merciless, but there is warmth everywhere in the world." In addition to being moved, Zhang Zhifang wrote such a text in the circle of friends.

Sincerity for truth! In Zhang Zhifang's view, the rescue team members who came from afar are not only the benefactors of the disaster area, but also the relatives of the people of Huangshan. She believes that after the wind and rain, she will see the rainbow, and with the help and support of many parties, her hometown Huangshan will get better and better. To this end, she also sent a sincere invitation to the rescue team members, hoping that they will have the opportunity to revisit the old place and feel the infinite scenery of the beautiful Yellow Mountain.

The proprietress "snatched" the collection code, and it was on fire!

The Zhongzhou emergency rescue team is on the front line of drainage and rescue

The family of Yuwan will be remembered for their enthusiasm and kindness

"It's so enthusiastic, it's so touching!" On June 30, Zhao Xiaolei, a member of the Zhengzhou Zhongzhou Emergency Rescue Team, told the Dawan News reporter that they have returned to Zhengzhou after completing their work, but they have been deeply impressed by the enthusiasm of the people of Huangshan, and they also feel very warm and will remember it in their hearts.

Zhao Xiaolei introduced, Henan and Anhui provinces are close to each other, in Henan disaster, Anhui's rescue team also rushed to the rescue without hesitation, this time after paying attention to the flood situation in Huangshan, Anhui, their rescue team took the initiative to ask for help, carrying a number of professional drainage equipment to drive more than 800 kilometers, arrived at the front line of flood fighting. Help deliver supplies and drain water to go wherever needed, and coordinate multiple rescue teams to support on the spot.

Talking about the feelings of the rescue and disaster relief in Huangshan, Cheng Xiangpeng, the captain of the rescue team, said bluntly that the strength and enthusiasm of the people of Huangshan made him unforgettable. There are also shopkeepers who saw them passing by the door and took the initiative to invite them into the store to rest and eat, and the words of hush and warmth made him feel warm.

Regarding Zhang Zhifang's invitation, Cheng Xiangpeng said that the people of Huangshan regard them as relatives, and he and his team members have long regarded the people of Huangshan as family, and they will definitely visit the old place again in the future, and then come to see the good mountains and rivers of Huangshan and their relatives.

Dawan News reporter Han Yu Gong Runze

Source: Dawan News