
Anchor Liu was sentenced to 12 years

author:Nakahara shield
Anchor Liu was sentenced to 12 years

Humanities and history anchor Liu claimed to be born in a well-educated family and had more than a dozen Shanghai properties under his name, and then continued to borrow money from fans in the name of buying medicine when he was sick and paying wages to employees. On the day of "Mother's funeral", Liu was still live at home.

On June 30, the surging news reporter learned from the Shanghai Jinshan District People's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the "Jinshan District Procuratorate") that recently, after the court filed a public prosecution, Liu was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined 250,000 yuan for committing fraud.

The anchor claims to be "worth a lot of money"

In July 2021, Mr. Chen accidentally swiped the anchor Liu on the Douyin App, who was telling about humanities and history in the live broadcast room, and it happened that Mr. Chen was very interested in this kind of knowledge, and after stopping to watch, he added Liu's WeChat through the live broadcast room, and Liu also pulled Mr. Chen into his fan group "Chinese History Group".

"My father is a professor, my mother is the vice president of the hospital, and I have more than a dozen real estate properties in Shanghai under my name, as well as several companies and yacht ......" Liu often "inadvertently" revealed his rich life in the live broadcast room and fan base, and even showed himself a check for 18 million yuan during the live broadcast. As the number of people in the group chat is close to full, Liu will also send thousands of yuan in red envelopes in the group and mail fruits to his fans.

Desperate, he started borrowing money

"I have heart disease and have had two bypasses." Not long after, Liu privately contacted Mr. Chen to ask for money on the grounds that he was sick and wanted to buy imported medicine.

How could Liu, who has always been "heroic and heroic", ask him to borrow money, Mr. Chen couldn't help but think. However, Liu subsequently explained that his bank card was temporarily frozen due to live broadcast violations, online gambling, etc., and said that he had a piece of land worth 100 million yuan mortgaged in the bank, and the mortgage expired soon, and the money could be withdrawn from the bank and returned, so Mr. Chen believed Liu and took out his savings and transferred one million yuan to Liu.

Anchor Liu was sentenced to 12 years

The victim transferred 1,000,000 yuan to the defendant. All courtesy of the Jinshan District Procuratorate

Since then, Mr. Liu has often sought help from Mr. Chen on the grounds that he needs to repay his credit card and pay his employees' salaries. Liu's "personality" was solid in the early stage, and Mr. Chen also repaid part of the money during the interaction between Mr. Chen and Liu, so based on his trust in Liu, Mr. Chen transferred money to him many times, and the two parties became more familiar.

On the day of "Mother's Funeral", the live broadcast was still on

"When my mother dies, I need to pay the final payment for the cemetery." Hearing Liu's anxious and sad tone, Mr. Chen didn't think much about it and transferred money to Liu. But according to Liu, on the day of his mother's funeral, he was still running a live broadcast at home, and all the previous scenes surfaced in front of him, and Mr. Chen suddenly felt that he might have encountered fraud.

So he contacted other people in the group, only to find out that Liu borrowed money from many fans for the same reason, but none of them were returned. In January 2023, the police summoned Liu to the case for investigation, and he confessed to his crime after arriving at the case.

After the prosecutor's review, the truth surfaced, Liu lied that he had multiple properties and private jets under his name during the live broadcast, making people mistakenly believe that he had strong economic strength, and then defrauded an unspecified number of people of more than 300 yuan in the name of seeing a doctor and buying imported medicines, the amount was particularly huge, and his behavior has constituted the crime of fraud.

Anchor Liu was sentenced to 12 years

The victim presented a pennant to the procurator in charge.

In June 2024, after the Jinshan District Procuratorate initiated a public prosecution, Liu was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined RMB 250,000 for committing fraud. Recently, the victim, Mr. Chen, presented the prosecutor with a pennant that read "Impartially enforce the law against fraud, and warm the hearts of the people to eliminate harm".

Source: The Paper, China News Network

Original title: "Mother's funeral" was still live broadcast on the day, and the anchor defrauded fans of 3 million yuan and was sentenced to 12 years in prison"