
Thinking too much, it is a lot of imagination, and lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night

author:Who understands grass d's worries

Lonely thoughts, often make people sleepless at night, that is a manifestation of love, feel the kind of warmth that accompanies each other, even if it is bitter, it can also give the soul some comfort!

The moonlight is tasteless, the stars are silent, but the night sky is dressed up in a sparkling light, and in the silent night, a faint glow seems so romantic, accompanied by sleepless people are relatively silent......

Speechless, tears into a river, drunk in the sea of love, continue the fireworks in the world, but the footsteps are difficult to follow the thoughts, I want to use wine to get myself drunk, but the wine is only intoxicating and not intoxicating!

Lonely thoughts, every day in the heart of the present, even if it is silent, but also showing infinite power, there are thoughts in the heart, thinking and then thinking about the thoughts, thinking is often people sleepless at night!

Thinking too much, it is a lot of imagination, and lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night

There are too many falsehoods in the world, only the love and love from the heart is the most sincere existence, which is the affection with a sweet taste, and it is a kind of sustenance with temperature......

Thinking with red eyes, people understand the magic of love, it turns out that love is so uncontrollable, the interpretation of a thought, makes people restless, and an inadvertent attack on the heart......

Missing someone, the moment the heart moves, the whole heart is full of love, there is no need to do it deliberately, the thread of the heart mentions the affectionate attachment, and the silent miss is also tender!

Thinking too much, it is a lot of imagination, and lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night

No matter how far away the loved one is, it is the most beautiful in life, that beauty is like the stars and moon in the night sky, the light in the eyes is also the love in the heart!

The person who misses, as soon as the heart moves, thinks wildly, accepts a person to live in his heart, opens his heart and loves, thinks with his brows locked, a wisp of ethereal love turns a thousand times in his heart, and the love is getting deeper and deeper!

In the vast red dust, love is the stars in the eyes, love is the warmth in the heart, love is the driving force for the heartbeat to beat faster, love is the source of happiness, and the people who love in their hearts even fall into tenderness in their eyes!

Thinking too much, it is a lot of imagination, and lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night

Loving you and spending the rest of my life with you, and spending three meals and four seasons with you, is my greatest wish in this life, which is the yearning of every day in my heart......

Deeply infatuated with a person, the idea of love is like breathing nature, a tender out of love, can make people become sentimental, love to the depths, love gives people courage and strength!

The love road is full of vicissitudes, the love is deep and can't extricate itself, the people who belong to the heart don't need to teach or learn, they know how to cherish, miss you, thank fate for letting us meet, love you always can't love enough!

Thinking too much, it is a lot of imagination, and lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night

If you really love someone, you will think about it and think about it, especially in the dark night, the thoughts in your heart are even crazier, the output is as unstoppable as the wind, and the interpretation of your thoughts is wild!

Every dark night in the starlight, the lights are shining in the red dust, there is a wisp of love, chasing the heart towards the dream in loneliness, although it is difficult, but there is no hesitation......

The loved one is not by his side, no matter how good the lovesickness is, it can't be exchanged for the kind of warmth and loneliness that depends on each other, and the lonely thoughts often make people sleepless at night, even if it is about the interpretation of love, it is extremely sad!