
The person who misses it, tears wet the eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only I know

author:Who understands grass d's worries

Acacia has nowhere to speak, there is nowhere to say the heart, even if the sadness is a hundred turns and thousands of times, it is just alone in stealing joy, looking into the distance when the thoughts are overflowing, and the tears have wet the eyes when you lower your head!

I miss the people who are far away, every time I move forward on the road of life, I am like a scar, the pain from the depths of my heart, so that the tears blur my eyes again and again, and only I know the taste!

Thinking like crazy, love it deeply, whether you stay by your side or not, as long as your mind moves, you can listen to your own heart, the person you miss, knowing that lovesickness is useless, but you can't stop it!

In the world of love, the person who misses is pretending to be confused, knowing that lovesickness is bitter, but he wants to be bitter lovesickness, and the feelings of longing linger in his heart, and the answer is a love word!

The person who misses it, tears wet the eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only I know

When you enter the acacia door, you often feel lovesick, when you miss it, you have the weight of love on your head in your heart, but your body is like a floating cloud fluttering like a fly, you can't stop thinking about it, and it is still difficult to fall asleep in the dead of night!

Thoughts are overflowing, the heart is like flying, there is a wisp of fragrant fragrance in the empty waiting for it, looking forward to the return of the king, thinking of the king, the people who miss keep searching in the loneliness, searching for the beauty of the past, asking for the desire in the heart!

I miss you, and I once felt that it was superfluous to miss endlessly, but I couldn't suppress the flying of thoughts, I really wanted to have a shoulder to rely on, I wanted to snuggle in a warm embrace, but you were isolated from afar......

The person who misses it, tears wet the eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only I know

Loving someone, thinking endlessly, love is like crazy, being imprisoned in the long river of love, the tears of missing can not be wiped away, a wisp of lovesickness activities, deducing the bits and pieces of love!

I miss you day after day, it is difficult to fall asleep in the dead of night, the happy people have already fallen asleep, and the people who miss are still passionate, and the footsteps of thinking are faltering as if they are atoning for their sins!

As soon as I think of lovesickness, there are thousands of pet students in my heart, and I am immersed in endless thoughts, which can be described as difficult, my heart is filled with gentle love, but my eyes are overflowing with bitter tears!

The person who misses it, tears wet the eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only I know

When I meet the right person, I am heartbroken, I love and love, but I still don't love enough, even if my heart is full of death when I miss it, I can't hide the heat of love, I am moved by my heart, and it is difficult to go back to the sky......

A love for life, there is a strong love in the heart, even if the lovesickness is in the bones, the heart is full of parting feelings, but also pretend that it doesn't matter, stick to the original intention, stick to the rules, and accompany you to the end of life?

Love is as deep as the sea, love it has no bottom line, unforgettable love, no matter how time changes, it is always shown in the heart, sewing up the wounds that were wantonly torn out by thoughts!

The person who misses it, tears wet the eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only I know

Intoxicated in endless thoughts, even if there are thousands of thoughts in the heart, they can't stop the fluctuations of the death, the people who miss them, the tears wet their eyes again and again, and the taste of thinking like madness, only they know......

The people who miss it, think without speaking, the pain without speaking, there are three thousand diseases in the world, only lovesickness has no medicine, drunk in the sea of love and miss every day, even if there are thousands of thoughts in the heart, it can't stop the kind of fluctuation of death!

One love and one obsession, one thought full of worries, tears of parting, can't be exchanged for the love of preference, the grievances in the heart are overflowing, it was an exceptional encounter, but unconsciously it became a tight bondage!