
In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

author:History Teacher Li
In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhao Yidi

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a photo at her residence in Inoue Hot Springs in Taiwan, by which time she had accompanied Zhang Xueliang under house arrest to his 15th year, and Zhang Xueliang had been under house arrest for 19 years. At the time the photo was taken, Zhao Yidi was 43 years old at the time, sitting leisurely on a wicker chair and applying nail polish.

We can see that Zhao Yidi is wearing a decent cheongsam, she has a plump body, outstanding appearance, and charm. No matter which way you look at it, Zhao Yidi's life was quite rich at the time of the photoshoot. Zhao Yidi is a rich lady, did she regret choosing to accompany Zhang Xueliang under house arrest?

The answer is no! Zhao Yidi, born in Hong Kong in May 1912, his ancestral home is Lanxi, Zhejiang, because he is the fourth in the family, also known as Miss Zhao Si. Zhao Yidi's family is illustrious, and his father Zhao Qinghua served as the director of the railway bureau of the Junpu Railway, Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, and Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway during the Beiyang period, and once served as the deputy minister of transportation.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhao Yidi

Born in such a family, Zhao Yidi received a good education since she was a child, and she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. According to the background of the times at that time, Zhao Yidi is very likely to become a generation of celebrities when he grows up and has a luxurious life. Zhao spent her childhood in Hong Kong, and later followed her father to live in Tianjin.

In 1928, at a grand dance party at the Cai Mansion in Tianjin, 16-year-old Zhao Yidi and Zhang Xueliang had a relationship. At that time, Zhang Xueliang was famous, and he frequently went to major high-end places in Tianjin. Although Zhang Xueliang is married, suitors are flocking to him, and Zhao Yidi is also attracted to him.

After the dance began, Zhang Xueliang took the initiative to invite Zhao Yidi to dance, and the seeds of love sprouted in the hearts of the two. Soon, Zhang Xueliang came to Beidaihe for a vacation, and it happened that Zhao Qinghua's family was also on vacation there. When they met again, the relationship between Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi heated up sharply, and then the two frequently went out to various dances.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Xueliang is famous, and his every move has attracted the attention of many newspapers. Soon, Zhang Xueliang's date with Zhao Yidi appeared in major newspapers in Tianjin, and even published photos of Zhao Yidi. For a time, the city was full of wind and rain, and Zhao Qinghua was deeply ashamed, and he directly locked Zhao Yidi at home.

However, Zhao Yidi has long been carried away by love. In September 1929, Zhao Yidi secretly left home and went to Shenyang. After Zhao Qinghua learned about it, he immediately arranged for someone to persuade his daughter to come back, but was directly refused. Seeing that his daughter was unwilling to turn back, Zhao Qinghua thought that in order to maintain the family's face, he had to disassociate himself from her.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhao Yidi

As a result, Zhao Qinghua published a notice in Tianjin newspapers for five consecutive days:

"The ancestor of my clan is a descendant of the Southern Song Dynasty, the official is upright, the family is clean, the family tree has a family motto, the family ancestral hall has nine rules, for more than 1,000 years, the descendants and grandchildren have complied with it, and it has not been corrupted. The imperial court of the previous dynasties gave the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the local officials paid tribute in the spring and autumn, that is, the former president and prime minister of the Republic of China also presented a plaque, what an honor! According to the 19th and 32nd articles of the family ancestral hall rules, her name should be cut off, and the church is one of the ancestral halls, and she should report to the head of the ancestral hall for implementation. ”

Zhao Yidi didn't look back in the end, she was willing to accompany Zhang Xueliang as a female secretary, and she had no regrets about it. After the peaceful settlement of the "Xi'an Incident" in December 1936, Zhang Xueliang was immediately arrested and imprisoned after sending Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing, and began a life of house arrest that lasted for more than half a century.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhao Yidi and Zhang Xueliang

At first, Yu Fengzhi accompanied Zhang Xueliang, and Zhao Yidi came to live in Hong Kong with his young son. Zhao Yidi waited to return to Zhang Xueliang, and she waited for four years. At the beginning of 1940, Yu Fengzhi needed to go to the United States for treatment due to breast cancer, and Zhao Yidi took over from her to take care of Zhang Xueliang.

Before leaving for Hong Kong, Zhao Yidi handed over his son to the care of an American friend, and went to Zhang Xue's prison place alone. You must know that Zhao Yidi was living a prosperous life in Hong Kong at the time, but she was willing to give up everything to get Zhang Xueliang's side, how much courage it takes, but she has no regrets.

From 1940 to 1990, Zhang Xueliang was free, and Zhao Yidi accompanied her for more than half a century. In 1964, Yu Fengzhi, who was far away in the United States, took the initiative to dissolve the marriage contract with Zhang Xueliang, and on July 4 of the same year, Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi finally got married.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi

Since going to Shenyang in 1929, Zhao Yidi has waited for 35 years for this day, and she burst into tears at the wedding scene. In June 1990, Zhang Xueliang finally gained himself after 54 years of house arrest. At the grand 90th birthday banquet held in Taipei, Zhang Xueliang looked at Zhao Yidi and cried silently.

In June 2000, Zhao Yidi died of complications of pneumonia in Hawaii at the age of 88. At the last moment of his life, Zhao Yidi, who was lying on the hospital bed, was still caring about Zhang Xueliang. Zhang Xueliang was mentally prepared for Zhao Yidi's death, but he remained silent until the end of the funeral.

In 1955, Zhao Yidi took a rare photo in Taiwan, when she was 43 years old, with outstanding appearance and plump body

Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi cemetery

At that time, no one knew what Zhang Xueliang was thinking, and it took a long time for him to say to his children and friends: "My wife is very good, and I care about her the most." But I owe her so much in my life! These are Zhang Xueliang's heartfelt words, and later he left his last words before he died, to be buried with Zhao Yidi.

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