
For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

author:Longnan Wudu released

Although many friends say that they seem to pay more attention to health, most of them are based on diet therapy and exercise, and rarely pay attention to the health of our organs, especially the maintenance of the liver, plus the liver is a quiet organ, and it is difficult for us to know when there is a disease, but when the body is seriously unwell, it has already entered the middle and late stages, which directly has a great impact on our life expectancy.

For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

As the liver is the largest detoxification and metabolic organ in our body, once there is a problem, these toxins will accumulate in the body in large quantities, affecting the normal operation of our body, such as common physical fatigue, dull face, body drowsiness, etc.

If you want to avoid these situations, we must take care of the liver as soon as possible, when it comes to maintaining the liver, I recommend you to start with dietary therapy, and today I will recommend five kinds of fruits to nourish the liver, so don't be soft.

5 kinds of fruits to eat more

1. Ume

Ume is a typical sour food, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of astringent, flattening and tonifying the liver.

For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

From the perspective of modern medicine, black plum contains certain antioxidants and organic acids, which can regulate the environment in our body and also strengthen the liver's ability to detoxify and detoxify.

Eating some black plum often can improve the fat metabolism of the liver, which is of great help to take care of the liver.

2. Prunes

It is the season of plums in large quantities, and plums contain a lot of vitamins and anthocyanins, which are natural antioxidants that can care for our liver cells and reduce free radical damage.

For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

At the same time, plums also contain a certain amount of chlorogenic acid and asparagine, which can maintain our normal liver biochemical reactions and enhance the liver's detoxification and detoxification ability.

The high fiber contained in plums can also promote the cleansing of the intestines and speed up the speed of gastrointestinal peristalsis, which can also reduce the burden on the liver to a certain extent.

3. Pineapple

The pineapple prion contained in pineapple can decompose protein in the body, which can reduce the burden on the liver to a certain extent.

For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

4. Kiwi

Kiwifruit contains a certain amount of potassium, magnesium and vitamins, which can not only help the liver detoxify, but also speed up the body's metabolism and improve immunity.

For friends who have poor liver function and poor sleep quality and are always tired, eating a little kiwifruit every day has certain benefits for our liver care.

For people with a bad liver, eat more 5 kinds of fruits, which may help repair liver function and benefit early

5. Strawberries

The taste of strawberries is sweet and sour, and it does not cost teeth to eat, many elderly friends prefer to eat, it is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, these two types of ingredients can not only achieve the effect of resisting free radicals and anti-aging, but also promote the blood circulation of the liver, so that the toxins and garbage in the body can be better discharged.

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