
In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Bean Sprouts Food

With the arrival of summer, people are looking for refreshing drinks. But did you know that shiso and ginger are the best partners in this season? Not only is this method beneficial, but it's also the kind of beauty that can't be bought with money. Let me take you on a journey through this magical summer drink.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

In traditional Chinese medicine, perilla leaves are often used to dispel cold, promote qi and stomach, relieve depression and nausea, and are common Chinese herbal medicines with the same origin as medicine and food. Ginger is the rhizome part of the ginger family, which has a pungent and warm taste, which can invigorate blood and dispel cold, remove moisture and sweat, and reduce edema. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is considered to be an important Chinese herbal medicine that regulates the balance of yin and yang in the body, and provides health and strengthening.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Ingredient list: perilla leaves, ginger rice, salt, water.


In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

Choose fresh perilla leaves, pick young shoots and leaves, and don't use old stems. Then, put the perilla leaves into a large basin, add an appropriate amount of salt and water, and use salt water to soak the perilla for 10 minutes, the salt has a disinfection and sterilization effect, which can effectively give the perilla leaves a good simple sterilization, after all, the perilla leaves may have a small number of eggs, after soaking, clean them with your hands to remove the dust and eggs on the surface. Next, drain the perilla leaves and place on a plate to dry.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 2: Process the ginger

Choose ginger and pour it into a plate, add a little salt, use salt water, wash the ginger more cleanly, wash with water and peel. The ginger is then thinly sliced and finally finely shredded to make it easier to sauté.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 3: Handle the rice

Put an appropriate amount of rice into a basin, add water, wash it by hand, and wash off the dust and debris on the surface of the rice until the water becomes clear. Then remove it and put it in a basket to drain and set aside.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 4: Stir-fry the rice

Put the rice with controlled moisture into the pot, fry it over medium heat, stir-fry it with a spatula to prevent the rice from frying, and then fry the rice until the surface is slightly yellow, and the starch is destroyed and decomposed into activated carbon. In this way, you can better absorb the fat from your stomach.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 5: Add the perilla leaves

Add the shredded ginger to the fried rice, continue to fry over low heat until the shredded ginger is slightly rolled, and when the six ingredients are dry, then put the perilla leaves into the pot and continue to fry over low heat. As the frying time increases, the perilla leaves gradually soften, and the water slowly evaporates. When stir-frying, try to fry as dry as possible, the drier the sauté, the better, so that the longer it will be preserved.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 6: Cool and save

Stir-fry until the perilla leaves can be easily crushed, then turn off the heat, pour the perilla ginger shredded rice tea into a tray, spread it out and let it cool naturally. After cooling, put it in a waterless and oil-free glass jar, close the lid tightly, and store it in a cool and ventilated place.

In the summer, perilla and ginger are a perfect match, and if you do this, you can't buy the benefits with money.

Step 7: How to enjoy

Brew two spoonfuls of perilla ginger shredded rice tea with boiling water every morning and simmer for a few minutes before drinking. This tea has a refreshing and sweet taste with a rich perilla fragrance, making it the perfect choice for summer heat.

Perilla Ginger Shredded Rice Tea not only has a refreshing taste, but also has a variety of benefits. In the summer, drinking more such tea can not only relieve the heat, but also play a role in health preservation. Every bite contains the freshness and nutrition of nature, and its benefits are really impossible to buy with money. Let's cherish this wonderful recipe and make it a part of our summer life.

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