
Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


June ends, July comes, halfway through the year, and half of the summer is over. The approach of the summer solar term seems to be telling us that dog days are not far away. As the saying goes, "the heat is in the dog days", this year's dog days are an extended version, there are 40 days, high temperature, humidity, and sultry heat are the main characteristics of this period, and the corresponding climate is sweating, no appetite, and the body is emaciated. There is a folk saying that "three points of emptiness in summer", especially after entering the Futian, if you don't pay attention to it, the body will become weak in the hot climate, and then it will be more difficult to endure in the process of getting through the volt. Therefore, from the time of entering the ambush, we should pay attention to the nourishment, accumulate more nutrients and energy for the body, and lay the foundation for the consumption of dog days.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days. Let's share with you 3 kinds of vegetables suitable for this season, now start the dog days, remember to eat two ends in three days, no matter how hot the weather is, you are not afraid.

Type 1: Food that cares for the spleen and stomach

The spleen and stomach are our digestive organs, which directly affect the body's absorption and utilization of nutrients, and it is easy to be trapped in hot weather, loss of appetite, and indigestion. Such as cabbage, pumpkin, whole grains, etc.

Recommended recipe: Coleslaw

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

1. Remove the outer layer of old leaves from the cabbage, peel off the young leaves, soak in salted water for a while, then change the water and rinse twice, then drain and break into small pieces.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

2. Prepare some side dishes, wash and tear smaller after soaking the fungus, peel the carrots and cut them into oblique blades.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

3. Add wide water to the pot, boil until boiling, put the fungus in it first, put the carrots and cabbage after one minute, continue to cook for one minute, thoroughly cook and then pick it up, and put it in cold water to cool down.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

4. Scoop up all the ingredients and put them into a large bowl, add garlic, chili powder, light soy sauce, vinegar, salt, and finally heat some hot water and pour it inside, and stir quickly while the fragrance is rising until it tastes.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

Type 2: Detoxifying and dehumidifying foods

High heat and humidity are the main characteristics of dog days, in such a climate, our body is easy to accumulate moisture, coupled with the weakness of the spleen and stomach, it also gives moisture toxins a chance to take advantage of, so the daily detoxification and detoxification food should also be arranged, such as celery, garlic, kelp, fungi, etc., you can eat one every day.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried vegetarian chicken with celery

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

1. Prepare a few large celery, pick one by one, leave the fresh and tender part, and tear the old tendons, so as not to affect the taste and digestion. After that, scrub it clean and cut it into large slices with an oblique knife.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

2. Vegetarian chicken is a dried soy product, which needs to be soaked more than an hour in advance, soaked with baking soda for a while after it is fully softened, and then changed the water twice to remove the peculiar smell and cut it shorter.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

3. Add a little lean meat, cut it into small pieces, release soy sauce, pepper, corn starch and mix well, then pour a little corn oil and stir well.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

4. Heat oil in a pot, pour the lean meat into it and stir-fry, soon the blood red color will fade, and put it in a bowl.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

5. Continue to put more garlic in the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, put the celery and vegetarian chicken in the pot together, and stir-fry at the same time, which can make each other's aromas better integrated, add a little light soy sauce, and stir-fry with oyster sauce. Finally, pour the meat in, continue to add a little garlic, stir-fry a few times, and serve on a plate with garlic aroma.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

Type 3: Foods that clear and nourish yang

During the dog days, the body is in a weak position, and the hot days are sweaty, and the yang energy is easy to be lost, so during this time, you should eat more foods that clear and protect the yang, that is, nutritious, cool and mild, and easy to digest foods, such as lotus roots, yams, lilies, fish and shrimp, duck meat, etc.

Recommended recipe: yam stewed chicken

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

1. Chop two large chicken thighs into small pieces, cut off the chicken skin and grease, put them in a bowl, sprinkle some starch and rub them, and then rinse them further.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

2. Throw the chicken into the pot, put ginger slices, pour in wide water, boil over high heat, fully boil the foam, and then remove and control dry.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

3. Peel the two small yam roots respectively, wash off the dirty things, cut them into small pieces and soak them in water for later use.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

4. Put oil in the pot, add a handful of rock sugar and fry until melted, continue to fry until the color is browned, pour the chicken in, quickly fry the color, then add onion and ginger and stir-fry well, and continue to make up a little light soy sauce.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

5. Add hot water to the pot, continue to boil until it boils, simmer for 20 minutes, pour the yam in, turn to low heat and simmer for about half an hour.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days

6. Add a little salt, change to high heat, and clean the soup, so that the ingredients will have a burnt flavor and a stronger taste when eaten.

Now when it comes to the ambush, we should eat more of these 3 foods, clear and replenish the yang, increase immunity, and easily spend the dog days
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