
Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


The mainland is a big agricultural country, but in ancient times due to the backward production conditions, people basically lived a life of relying on the sky to eat, once they encountered a drought era, they would be hungry, so under such conditions, people found a lot of alternative foods to satisfy hunger, such as sweet potatoes, mung beans, and taro to share with you today, it is also one of the ancient hunger foods.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

According to historical records, the mainland is one of the main countries of origin of taro, the ancient name is fern, taro kui, etc., the great writer and gourmand Su Shi mentioned in the "Dongbo Miscellaneous": "Under the Minshan Mountain, the fierce year takes the squatting owl as food, and the epidemic is no longer the disease, and the pleasantness of knowing this thing is also." It can also be seen that taro can be eaten as food in the past famine years. Of course, it is not only able to fill the stomach, it is also a rare delicacy, in "Dream of Red Mansions", if we pay attention, we will find that there are many delicacies made of taro, steamed taro, simmered taro, roasted taro chips, roasted taro, taro soup, taro cakes, etc., I have to sigh that ancient people are not only good at discovering food, but also know how to give full play to its deliciousness through various cooking techniques.

Of course, the delicious ingredients can also present the classic taste through an extremely simple method, after peeling and cooking, add sugar, lotus root powder, osmanthus and mix evenly, it is the bowl of "osmanthus sugar taro seedlings" that Nanjing people miss in their hearts, sweet, soft and glutinous, refreshing people's hearts.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

It is rich in protein, polysaccharides, crude fiber, saponins, carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium, fluoride and other ions, which help to replenish deficiency and invigorate qi, strengthen the spleen and detoxify, moisten the intestines and laxatives, protect teeth, beautify the face and hair, etc., which can be called a natural nourishing product.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

Taro is sweet and delicious, with high nutritional value, but it is not suitable for everyone, I have a fellow doctor, he often talks to me about dietary taboos, and I often ask him for advice, and I have benefited a lot every time. And taro is also contraindicated, especially for 3 types of people, it is best to eat less, otherwise it is asking for trouble.

Category 1: People with spleen and stomach discomfort, indigestion

Taro contains a lot of starch and cellulose, which helps to replenish physical strength and promote gastrointestinal digestion for the general public. If the spleen and stomach are uncomfortable, or people who are in the period of indigestion and diarrhea, it will increase the digestive burden, cause bloating, abdominal pain, etc., which is not conducive to the maintenance and recovery of the body. Therefore, it is best for such people to wait until they have completely recovered their stability before eating.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

Category 2: Allergies

Similar to yam, taro also contains mucus proteins, alkaloids and other ingredients that are easy to become allergens, so for people who are prone to allergies, it is best to eat less, and it is best to eliminate allergens before eating. In addition, when we usually handle taro, we should also wear gloves to avoid the mucus on the surface of raw taro directly touching the skin, otherwise it is easy to cause red itching.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

Category 3: People who need to control sugar

On weekdays, taro can be eaten as a staple food because it contains a lot of starch, which can have a satiety effect. However, when it enters our body, it is digested and converted into sugars, which increases blood sugar levels. Therefore, people who need to control sugar should eat less. In addition, people who are in the period of weight loss, after eating taro, should reduce the intake of other staple foods accordingly, so as not to gain weight due to excessive carbohydrates.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

To sum up, people with spleen and stomach discomfort, people with allergies, and people who need sugar control should eat as little as possible when they encounter taro, and it is also necessary to remind everyone that taro must be fully cooked and thoroughly cooked before eating. Let's share with you a recipe for [taro red bean paste], which is very suitable in hot and humid weather, delicious and nutritious.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

1. First of all, take out about 50 grams of red beans and wash them, put them in the wall breaker, add an appropriate amount of drinking water, start the program and cook them directly and beat them into delicate red bean paste.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

2. At the same time, let's process a few small taro, peel and rinse them, cut them into small pieces, and steam them for half an hour, trying to steam them softly to ensure that they are cooked thoroughly.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

3. Pour the red bean paste into the pot, put the taro in it, put a little rock sugar, simmer over low heat, and stir constantly, until the rock sugar melts, then turn off the heat.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood

4. Put it in a bowl, let it cool, sprinkle some osmanthus flowers into it, and you can enjoy it beautifully. Sweet and moist, the sweetness of the bean paste, and the soft glutinousness of the taro make people fall in love with one bite of it, and it is very suitable as an afternoon tea.

Can't you eat taro casually? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should eat less, and the taboos of eating taro should be understood
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