
The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function

author:Approaching Macau
The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function

The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function

To enhance service quality, the self-service coin exchange machines of the two note-issuing banks (Bank of China and Banco Nacional Ultramarino) will introduce an "Easy Transfer" function starting from 1 July 2024 to facilitate members of the public to transfer their exchange funds to their MOP bank accounts registered for "Easy Transfer". The original function of exchanging pataca coins into pataca banknotes will be maintained.

The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function
The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function

If members of the public choose to use the "Easy Transfer" transfer function, the funds will be deposited into their MOP bank accounts for scheduled receipts, and they can choose to receive e-receipts via SMS or email. The amount exchanged in each transaction can only be withdrawn in cash or transferred to the MOP collection account of "Easy Transfer", and cannot be split. If the maximum transfer amount of "Easy Transfer" on that day is exceeded, the full amount of the exchange amount will be collected in cash.

The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function
The self-service coin exchange machine has added a "Easy Transfer" transfer function

Launched in November 2021, the number of self-service coin exchange outlets has increased to 10, covering different areas of Macao. Combined with the "Free Coins Exchange Service" launched by the two note-issuing banks in the early years, the public can exchange coins through bank counters and self-service kiosks. The newly launched "Easy Transfer" transfer function provides an additional convenient option for the public. For details of the "Easy Transfer" fund transfer service, members of the public may contact the relevant financial institutions.

Press kit and photo source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority