
The elderly appeal: These two types of electric vehicles should be classified as non-motorized vehicles, and they can be on the road without a driver's license!

author:New energy strategist

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Nowadays, China has entered the stage of deep aging, and the degree of aging is at the middle and upper level in the world, and it is foreseeable that China will be in a period of rapid deepening aging in the next 30 years. The silver economy brought about by the aging of the population is a part that cannot be ignored, and the choice of transportation for the elderly has become an important part of the silver economy in people's "clothing, food, housing and transportation".
The elderly appeal: These two types of electric vehicles should be classified as non-motorized vehicles, and they can be on the road without a driver's license!

Due to the old age, the choice of the means of transportation is nothing more than electric two-wheeled vehicles, three, four-wheeled vehicles, such models will not be like fuel four-wheeled vehicles on the driver's control, there are strict requirements for traffic regulations, but it is this kind of convenient transportation for people to travel, the elderly have made difficulties in the motor vehicle driver's license, because the electric three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles are classified as motor vehicle management categories, so driving a motor vehicle on the road, it is necessary to obtain a driver's license that matches the driving model, The elderly appeal: These two types of electric vehicles should be classified as non-motorized vehicles, and they can be on the road without a driver's license!

The first class of vehicles: recreational tricycles

The appearance of the leisure tricycle is similar to that of an electric two-wheeler, but there is one more wheel at the rear wheel than an electric two-wheeler, which is because of the extra wheel, the leisure tricycle is more stable to drive and easier to handle. There is a lot of space between the front and rear seats, and the ride is also very comfortable, so this kind of leisure tricycle has slowly become the most mainstream means of transportation for the elderly to go out to buy groceries and pick up and deliver babies, and the annual sales are also doubling.

The elderly appeal: These two types of electric vehicles should be classified as non-motorized vehicles, and they can be on the road without a driver's license!

(Wuyang Fengyang S)

However, the recreational tricycle is classified as a motor vehicle management category, belonging to the type of moped, driving a recreational tricycle on the road needs to obtain an E license or F license, although this type of driver's license is the least difficult in the driver's license examination, and then for the elderly in the upper grades, by going to the vehicle management office to go through the entire examination process to obtain a driver's license that is not ordinarily difficult. Therefore, the ideal state is that leisure tricycles, like electric bicycles, are classified as non-motorized vehicles, and do not need a driver's license, and only need to register the vehicle to ride on the road.

The second type of model: low-speed electric four-wheeled vehicles

Low-speed four-wheeled vehicles are called "old man music" in many places, it can be seen that it is indeed the most suitable means of transportation for the elderly to go out, but due to the low road traffic safety awareness of old man music drivers, traffic accidents often occur, affecting normal road safety, so, now in many places, low-speed four-wheeled vehicles are expressly prohibited from driving on the road. There are also some loose policies, although low-speed four-wheeled vehicles are allowed to drive on the road, but low-speed four-wheeled vehicles also belong to the category of motor vehicle management, strictly stipulating that the driver needs to obtain the corresponding driver's license, that is, D license, and the vehicle meets the licensing regulations, hang a yellow card, before it can be on the road.

The elderly appeal: These two types of electric vehicles should be classified as non-motorized vehicles, and they can be on the road without a driver's license!

Similarly, for the elderly, it is difficult to obtain a D license for both E and F licenses, which are less difficult to obtain a driver's license. In addition, from the perspective of low-speed four-wheeled vehicles, although they are four-wheeled vehicles, they are actually more inclined to non-motorized vehicles than fuel four-wheeled vehicles.


Although at present, whether it is a recreational tricycle or a low-speed four-wheeled vehicle is a motor vehicle, but from the perspective of application scenarios and drivers, these two types of models can be managed and used as non-motor vehicles, I hope that the relevant departments can hear the demands of the elderly, the two types of models are classified as non-motor vehicle management, and at the same time can strengthen the training of traffic safety awareness for the elderly, humanized management must be the general trend!

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