
Luyuan set off another industrial boom! The exploration of digital battery technology will evolve and popularize the second generation of electric vehicles!

author:Electric vehicle observer

In the past two days, the circle of friends in the industry has been swiped by three hot words! "Leapfrogging", "Evolution", "Zhiyuan", the three countdown posters of Luyuan have aroused heated discussions on the whole network. Senior technical representatives of the operation industry, Luyuan plays a key leading role in the development and evolution of new quality productivity of electric two-wheeled vehicles.

Luyuan set off another industrial boom! The exploration of digital battery technology will evolve and popularize the second generation of electric vehicles!

After decades of industrial development, Luyuan has always been at the forefront of technology leadership! Luyuan is the pioneer of liquid-cooled electric vehicles in the world, leading the new quality development of the industry with its exclusive core technology, leading users into a new era of second-generation electric vehicles! In particular, the newly launched digital battery technology, with no attenuation of low-temperature capacity, no bulging of high-temperature charging, strong power, long battery life, and high safety, is deeply loved by dealers and users, and also helps Luyuan to continue to achieve rapid market growth!

On the morning of July 2nd, the #跨越致远 Full Evolution #Luyuan Digital Battery Technology Exploration Conference will be broadcast live on the whole network at the Jinhua headquarters, in-depth display of the technical achievements of Luyuan's new quality development, especially the new evolution of digital batteries! In the afternoon, the senior editor-in-chief of the electric vehicle observer will also go to the scene to explore the "hidden mystery" of Luyuan digital battery! Electric vehicle observers believe that there are at least 3 shining highlights that deserve special attention at this Luyuan exploration and sharing meeting.


How does Luyuan lead the industry to leapfrog with high quality?

Luyuan Digital Battery Exploration and Sharing Meeting

As a representative of the new quality productivity of the industry, Luyuan always puts technological breakthroughs and quality construction in the first place! What should be the beacon for the high-quality development of electric vehicles? What kind of "soul" test will Luyuan's achievements in industrial digital and intelligent construction be subjected to!?

Luyuan set off another industrial boom! The exploration of digital battery technology will evolve and popularize the second generation of electric vehicles!

Not long ago, Luyuan established a strategic cooperation with the two major media under the State Administration for Market Regulation, China Quality News and China Market Supervision News, to create more value for users and jointly build a strong line of defense for quality and safety! In this exploration and sharing meeting, Luyuan will join hands with China Quality Newspaper to introduce new safeguard measures in terms of product quality and safety? This kind of initiative to put the company's products, technology, and quality under the microscope of the government, the media and the public, and accept the review in an open and transparent way, fully expressing Luyuan's product confidence and intelligent manufacturing strength!

We guess that Luyuan is very likely to innovate and forge ahead in the two major aspects of digital intelligent manufacturing and digital marketing, and promote the high-quality development of the industry with the excellent results of the system-wide digital construction!


How can digital batteries evolve again?

Luyuan Digital Battery Exploration and Sharing Meeting

As the core technology launched by Luyuan this year, the digital battery has been well received by the market, and it has also driven the market sales of Luyuan liquid-cooled electric vehicles!

Luyuan set off another industrial boom! The exploration of digital battery technology will evolve and popularize the second generation of electric vehicles!

This sentence in the poster of "One of the safest battery technology solutions to date" has aroused countless speculations in the industry! At present, Luyuan digital battery has a certain amount of voice in the market, but there are still some doubts in the market! In this exploration and sharing meeting, can Luyuan effectively eliminate market doubts and bring users a safe, stable and ultimate travel experience with a more evolved digital battery system?

Luyuan's pace of innovation has never stopped, and we are quite looking forward to this time, what kind of upgrades and breakthroughs will Luyuan make in the digital battery, is the mileage? Or is it a kinetic experience? We guess that Luyuan is very likely to make a new evolution that shocks the industry in terms of battery safety, which is currently hot, and promotes the full-speed and high-quality development of Luyuan liquid-cooled electric vehicles with digital batteries!


How will the second generation of electric vehicles become popular?

Luyuan Digital Battery Exploration and Sharing Meeting

Luyuan is the leader and promoter of the second generation of electric vehicles in the industry, especially the high-quality and extreme product power of liquid-cooled electric vehicles, which has greatly raised the industry standard of the second generation of electric vehicles, and also brought users an extraordinary and excellent riding experience!

Luyuan set off another industrial boom! The exploration of digital battery technology will evolve and popularize the second generation of electric vehicles!

A series of core technologies such as liquid-cooled motors and digital battery technology have greatly improved the product experience of the second-generation electric vehicles. How to make the second-generation electric vehicles safer and more durable into thousands of households, so that more users can enjoy the quality and technological experience brought by the second-generation electric vehicles? In this exploration and sharing meeting, Luyuan will launch the second generation of electric vehicles to popularize the plan to thousands of households, so how to implement this plan, how to truly popularize Luyuan's practical and leading technology and technology to benefit the people? In the face of the upcoming peak season market, how can Luyuan take this opportunity to strengthen market investment and support to promote the market popularization of the entire second-generation electric vehicle?

At 9:00 a.m. on July 2nd, lock in the official live broadcast room of Luyuan or the video number of electric vehicle observers to see how Luyuan achieves the peak of full evolution!

At 2:00 p.m. on July 2, lock the live broadcast room of the electric vehicle observer video number and Douyin account, let us witness and explore how Luyuan digital battery conquers high and low temperatures face to face, and unveil the technical secrets of its hot-selling network!

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