
Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

author:Phoenix Sky

In order to further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, and continue to stimulate the love of the party and the patriotism of all party members and police officers and the enthusiasm of the officer, the Xiping County People's Court carefully organized and carried out a series of themed activities to improve the political literacy of party members and police officers with practical actions, consolidate the foundation of faith, and strictly abide by integrity and discipline.

Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".
Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

A national flag-raising ceremony was held

At 8 a.m. on July 1, the flag-raising ceremony officially began. The national flag guards walked to the national flag stand with neat and powerful steps, and escorted the five-star red flag into the stadium with a high-spirited attitude. Accompanied by the passionate national anthem of the People's Republic of China, the bright five-star red flag rose against the rising sun, and all the cadres and policemen stood solemnly, sang the national anthem, gazed at the national flag with reverence and pride, sang the national anthem, and expressed high respect and heartfelt blessings to the great motherland.

Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".
Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

After the flag-raising ceremony, Du Wendong, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, reviewed the glorious history of the party with the cadres and policemen present, and put forward three requirements for the work in the second half of the year: first, improve the political position; the second is to establish a sense of purpose; The third is to maintain the true character of integrity.

Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".
Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Visit the Yudu Party Building Cultural Square

On July 1, the Xiping County People's Court organized a total of more than 20 party members and cadres to visit and study the Yudu Party Building Cultural Square. In the party building culture exhibition hall, the party building commentator led everyone to visit the Yudu Party Building Cultural Square, and explained in detail the experience and practices of the Yudu Group in party building to promote enterprise construction, red property, diversified community services, and inheritance of excellent traditional culture. Subsequently, all party members and cadres faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Strengthen Party Spirit and Enforce Party Discipline - Xiping County People's Court carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Through the celebration of the "July 1st" series of activities, the party spirit of all party members and police officers has been trained and sublimated. Party members and police officers have expressed that in the future work, they should further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, continuously enhance their political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness, take the lead in setting an example, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Xiping County People's Court. (Photo: Jiang Fan, Yang Fei)

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