
"Mobile outposts" on the main embankment of the Yangtze River

author:Xiangcheng Metropolis Daily

Correspondents: Xu Lixia, Dong Ke, Xiang Shengxiong

At 19:03 on June 27, a total of 3.5 kilometers of lines were erected from No. 321 to No. 328 flood control post in the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River Gandi in Xianning, Hubei Province.

At 20:08 on June 27, a total of 10 kilometers of line was erected from No. 27 to No. 39 flood control post in the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River Gandi in Xianning, Hubei Province.


"Mobile outposts" on the main embankment of the Yangtze River

On June 27, the personnel of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company erected a power supply line for the flood control post in the Chibi section of the Yangtze River main embankment. (Dong Ke)

"Mobile outposts" on the main embankment of the Yangtze River

On June 27, the personnel of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company erected a power supply line for the flood control post in the Chibi section of the Yangtze River main embankment. (Dong Ke)

"Mobile outposts" on the main embankment of the Yangtze River

On June 27, the personnel of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company erected a power supply line for the flood control post in the Chibi section of the Yangtze River main embankment. (Dong Ke)

"Mobile outposts" on the main embankment of the Yangtze River

On June 27, the personnel of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company erected a power supply line for the flood control post in the Chibi section of the Yangtze River main embankment. (Xiang Shengxiong)

Rain and wind gusts. In the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River Dry Dike in Xianning, Hubei Province, more than 50 emergency repair personnel from the "mobile outpost" of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company carried wires on their shoulders and took advantage of the lights on the front of the "little yellow car" to pull the line from the adjacent power supply line to the Yangtze River main embankment flood control outpost.

The Jiayu section of the Yangtze River is 109.6 kilometers long and is an important flood control section in Hubei Province. Whenever the flood season comes, after the flood control posts are put into operation, ensuring electricity consumption is one of the important tasks of flood control work.

Affected by the recent heavy rainfall, the amount of water in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has increased. On June 26, the water level of the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River reached 27.59 meters, which was close to the water level, and the water level continued to rise. At 12 o'clock on June 27, the Jiayu County Flood Control Headquarters notified that all 44 flood control posts in the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River Dry Dike should restore power supply that night, and it is necessary to ensure reliable electricity supply for the posts during the flood control period.

All 44 flood control posts need to be electrified, and 22 kilometers of power lines need to be erected.

The task is important and the situation is urgent. Cai Wenbin, director of the Luxi Power Supply Station of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company, quickly led 11 employees and construction materials into two groups to "rush" to the main embankment of the Yangtze River and took separate actions to electrify the 3.5-kilometer flood control power supply lines of 18 flood control posts from No. 321 to No. 328. At the same time, Liu Yiming, director of the Xinjie Power Supply Station, Zhao Jun, director of the high-speed rail power supply station, and Cai Yajun, director of the Panwan Power Supply Station, led more than 10 emergency repair personnel and construction materials respectively to electrify the power supply lines of the remaining 26 flood control posts.

Under the storm, while Cai Wenbin and his colleagues were busy, 43 kilometers away, in the 12.54-kilometer-long Chibi section of the Yangtze River main embankment, Wang Jinping, director of the Chibi Power Supply Station of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company, organized 28 emergency repair personnel and construction materials, divided into 3 groups to set up 6.5 kilometers of power supply lines for 18 flood control posts, to ensure that all power supply was restored that night.

Every year for flood control, why do we have to "restore power supply" every year? Originally, all flood control posts were built on the main embankment of the Yangtze River, a certain distance from the main power supply line, and the flood control posts were all supplied from the overlapping lines of the adjacent power supply lines. After the end of the flood season, the flood control post does not need to supply electricity, and if the line is idle for a long time, there is a safety hazard.

"Therefore, after the end of the flood control every year, we will recycle the power supply lines of the flood control posts. Every flood season, the power supply is re-wired. Cai Wenbin said.

Since 2014, in order to fully protect the electricity consumption of the flood control post of the Yangtze River main embankment in Xianning City, Hubei Province, the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company has organized the personnel of the local power supply station of the Yangtze River main embankment section to form a "mobile outpost", and when the flood season comes, the power supply of the flood control post will be restored in a timely manner, and the party member service team will be arranged to carry out flood control duty, strengthen the inspection and maintenance of the electricity supply line of the flood control power supply line, and provide electricity services at any time. A "small yellow car" and a group of people are the standard configuration of the "mobile outpost" of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company.

At 21:25 on June 27, power was restored to all 18 flood control posts in the Chibi section of the Yangtze River.

At 23:50 on June 27, power was restored to all 44 flood control posts in the Jiayu section of the Yangtze River.

The flood control post was lit up, and Cai Wenbin and the emergency repair personnel became "chickens in the soup", which is already the norm of flood control, and they have long been accustomed to it.

On stormy nights, a lamp is lit on the main embankment of the Yangtze River. The "little yellow cars" of the "mobile outposts" of the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company are driving on the main embankments of the Yangtze River......