
Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored

author:Ink Island Little Ink

Learning calligraphy, worshipping famous teachers, and hand-teaching formulas are the most effective. However, it is difficult for the average person to be so lucky. Therefore, writing a notebook has become a way to learn books.

First, when writing a notebook, the brain must have two consciousnesses

Holding a notebook in hand, looking at it, thinking about it, contemplating it, you need to know two key points.

First, the form of dot painting that can be seen.

Second, the invisible process of action.

The visible stippling form is the result of the action of writing Chinese characters with a brush in hand; The invisible process of action is the basis for the formation of dot painting. Action is the cause, dot painting is the effect; Action is the foundation, dot painting is the end. Tracing back to the source, only then can the truth be passed on.

Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored

Second, when writing a copybook, it is necessary to restore the action process formed by dot painting

Tracing back to the source, only then can the truth be passed on. Before writing calligraphy, learning calligraphy, you must also draw the action process of writing.

In the development process of using the brush to write Chinese characters, mastering the convenient, convenient, simple and practical writing action and giving full play to the function of the brush are the spontaneous and natural choices and trade-offs of ancient and modern calligraphers and calligraphers, and it is also a natural law. In this law of natural selection, the convenient and easy action of using the brush is the brushwork. Restore the action, practice the action, you have to penmanship. If you have the penmanship, you will be able to write, that is, calligraphy.

In natural selection, there are two key aspects of the action of using a brush to write Chinese characters.

First, the most fundamental action is the "side pen momentum", which refers to the action of holding a brush in the air and spinning down to touch the paper to write. Like an autumn eagle fighting a rabbit, it hovers in the sky first, and then sweeps its wings and grabs it down. Holding the pen to fall, not vertically down, but obliquely leaning into, so it is called "side pen."

Second, the action of the pen, that is, to turn the pen left and right. It mainly refers to the hand driving the brush to turn left or right. Turning left is what is commonly referred to as the "outward" gesture, and turning left is the "inward" gesture.

Please see the writing action diagram of the words "cover" and "zhi" in Wang Xizhi's "Funeral Sticker".

1. The word "cover".

Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored

From the upper right space, the side pen takes the potential, into the paper pen left to the right line, random pen turn right, natural lead, into the paper right turn pen, then turn the pen right, then fold the pen right down, then fold the pen left to go down, and then fold the pen left to the right to go down, with the right turn, lift, left turn in the air, the side pen falls, lift, right turn in the air, the side pen falls into the paper right turn to lift the pen lead, and then left to the right line of the paper, complete the word "cover".

2. The word "zhi".

Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored

From the top left, the side pen takes the momentum, into the paper right down, suddenly lifted, the air turns the pen, into the paper left turn to pick up the pen randomly, the pen is broken, into the paper right turn to pick up the pen, the air left to the paper right turn to travel, to complete the "of" word.

Therefore, the post is to practice the action of the pen, over time, it is familiar, in line with the copy, one breath through, the form of dot painting is formed, and the book is full of brilliance. Restore the action of the mastery of the writing copybook, play a set of coherent and smooth, clean and neat combination punches, why worry about the dot painting is not the same, why worry about the shape of the word, why worry about the spirit is not alive.

3. There is no hidden edge in the world, and there is no exposed front

In the usual learning of calligraphy, I often talk about Tibetan front, open front, center, partial front, etc., and I am trying my best to practice, but the effect is always unsatisfactory. Why?

We should know that writing Chinese characters with a brush in hand is a continuous process of action. Continuous writing, natural and natural, no need for argumentation.

The so-called hidden front and exposed front are just the corners of the dot painting that naturally remain on the paper in the process of coherent writing action; The so-called center and bias are just random and natural changes in the movement of the pen in the process of coherent writing.

Please see a few words in Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface" and "Two Thanks".

Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored
Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored
Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored
Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored
Calligraphy is pro, and the writing action needs to be restored

The continuous, holistic and unified process of writing Chinese characters with a brush is inseparable in time and space. Catch the pen and write, into dot painting, into a word shape, into a chapter.

To talk about Tibetan front, open front, center forward, and partial front is to separate the action of painting and writing at a certain point from the action of the continuous overall process of writing, and to study it as an isolated, static, and closed piece. If you don't look at the whole picture and talk about the use of the pen, you will instantly lead the post-learning astray and do great harm. Such research is to drill into the tip of the horns, and it is difficult to walk an inch into the alley.

Talking about the hidden dew, set into a misunderstanding, the writing post has become a painting, tracing words, the habit is difficult to return, and there is no success.

There is no hidden front, no exposed front, no center, no bias front, only continuous, convenient and free writing. Therefore, it is of no practical significance to talk about Tibetan front, open front, center forward, and partial front.

You have to remember, the post to learn the book, is to learn to practice the writing of the calligraphy, rather than to draw the glyphs on the paper, the side pen to take the momentum, turn the pen into shape, one breath, in line with the law, practice makes perfect, calligraphy is a big advance!

When you write a calligraphy, everything is in action, and calligraphy is the dance of the brush!

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