
Party building empowers the village to strengthen the village and enrich the people -- remember the city's rural revitalization organization, the general party branch of the brother village of Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District

author:New silver

  Nowadays, walking in Brother Village, Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District, cement roads meander forward, houses are scattered, and industrial greenhouses are like seeds sprouting new hopes.

Party building empowers the village to strengthen the village and enrich the people -- remember the city's rural revitalization organization, the general party branch of the brother village of Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District

  In recent years, Brother Village has taken party building as the leader and improved the capacity building of grassroots organizations as the starting point, and has earnestly grasped the work of industrial development, improvement of human settlements, and grassroots governance, and the villagers' sense of happiness, gain, and security has been continuously improved.

  Party building leads the consolidation of "harmonious roots"

  The will of the people is the greatest politics, and the development of ethnic minorities is inseparable from the leadership of the party, and even more inseparable from the will of the people who are united into a rope.

Party building empowers the village to strengthen the village and enrich the people -- remember the city's rural revitalization organization, the general party branch of the brother village of Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District

 The total population of Brother Village is 3,069, of which 952 are ethnic minorities, accounting for 31% of the total. In terms of political guidance, the general party branch of the brother village has always held high the banner of "red party flag leading national unity and progress", paid attention to the development of new party members among ethnic minority youth, and gave full play to the role of the party branch in "gathering the hearts of the people, strengthening confidence, and forging concentricity".

  At the same time, we will actively explore the effective path of "party building leading + five governance integration", carry out the cultivation project of village-level leaders, and select and strengthen the village cadre team. With party members and cadres as the main body, we will lead the mass volunteers and social organizations to sink the grid to serve the masses and lead everyone to build a happy and harmonious home.

  The party flag was displayed, and it was echoed. In order to draw a larger "concentric circle" of rural governance, the general party branch team of the brother village leads the party members, and the backbone of the party members leads the members, starting from doing the practical, good and small things of the masses, and grasping the implementation one by one, and grasping the rectification one by one. Organically integrate the work of grassroots party building into key tasks such as the improvement of human settlements, the construction of safety, and rural revitalization, give play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a link between uploading and disseminating, and uploading information to the bottom of the country, build a strong fighting fortress in grassroots governance, and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the modernization of grassroots social governance in ethnic villages.

  Industrial development plays the "Endeavor Song"

  The development of industry has always been the foundation to solve the problem of increasing the income of the masses, and it is also the key to consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization. Based on this understanding, the general party branch of the brother village has made a "embroidery effort". Brother Village makes full use of the abundant natural resources and red resources, and takes "party building leading, basic support, leading drive, industrial rich peasants, and national unity" as its development idea, and actively cultivates and expands industries such as characteristic planting, large-scale breeding, and labor service transfer, and absorbs surplus labor in the village to work nearby. At present, the per capita disposable income of the villagers has reached 12,980 yuan.

Party building empowers the village to strengthen the village and enrich the people -- remember the city's rural revitalization organization, the general party branch of the brother village of Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District

It is difficult to make a forest alone, and rural revitalization needs to gather advantages in order to make the cake bigger and better. From 2022 onwards, Brother Village will transfer 500 acres of land that is not highly utilized by farmers in a centralized and contiguous manner. The land was transformed to achieve mechanized planting conditions, and at the same time, the channels and field roads were uniformly renovated, and silage corn and other fodder were planted, which increased the income of 250,000 yuan for the village collective economy.

  Today's brother villages, through the integration of resources, have gradually explored a variety of collective economic development models such as resource development, resource revitalization, and labor service, and the "hematopoietic function" at the village level has been greatly enhanced. From "sporadic dispersion" to "cohesive development", the collective economy of brother villages has realized a gorgeous transformation from scratch, from small to large, and from weak to strong.

  The new wind of civilization blows into the "Happy Village"

Party building empowers the village to strengthen the village and enrich the people -- remember the city's rural revitalization organization, the general party branch of the brother village of Gonghe Town, Pingchuan District

Early in the morning, villager Zhou Wei got up to wash, folded the quilt neatly, and cleaned the living room and courtyard. "The environment is beautiful, the days will be more comfortable, and you will have the spirit to do everything." Zhou Wei said, "In the past, villagers' dirty clothes and shoes were hung on railings and thrown in the courtyard, but now they are different. ”

  In recent years, the general party branch of Brother Village has led the villagers to vigorously carry out the creation of "safe families" and "beautiful courtyards", looking for the "most beautiful families", creating "women's home beauty points supermarket", and enhancing the awareness of the masses to create safe villages and build beautiful villages.

  Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization are inseparable from the promotion of civilized rural customs and the cultivation of spiritual culture. In recent years, 7 "good mothers-in-law" and "good daughters-in-law" have been selected and commended in Brother Village, and 150 "five-star civilized households" have been evaluated, creating a strong atmosphere of virtue and goodness and ethnic unity in the whole village. At the same time, the village adopted the method of "party members + grid members + volunteers + masses" to organize and mobilize the masses to fully participate in the construction of beautiful villages, comprehensively carry out the renovation of the living environment, clean up 15,000 tons of various garbage, demolish 12,000 square meters of debris and broken walls, and rectify a total of 24 rural environmental problems.

  Nowadays, walking in the brother village, every flower, grass, tree and tree are accumulating the vigorous power of upward growth, telling the vivid story of party building leading the industry and enriching the people.

Reporter Qiao Bin of Baiyin Financial Media Center