
The comprehensive score is the second in the province! Xianyou No. 1 Middle School Huang Shihan learned in this way

author:Xianyou Jinbao
The comprehensive score is the second in the province! Xianyou No. 1 Middle School Huang Shihan learned in this way


Fujian Province 2024 College Entrance Examination Art Category

The comprehensive score ranking of sports undergraduates was announced

Huang Shihan, a student at Xianyou No. 1 Middle School

Obtained the 2024 Fujian Provincial Music Education Category

The comprehensive score of the college entrance examination ranked second in the province

The comprehensive score is the second in the province! Xianyou No. 1 Middle School Huang Shihan learned in this way

In the summer vacation of the third grade of primary school, Huang Shihan, who accompanied a friend to learn a musical instrument, fell in love with the guzheng "at first sight", and since then he has formed an indissoluble bond with the guzheng. In the process of learning, her guzheng teacher also found that Huang Shihan was very talented in music, and with the encouragement and guidance of the teacher, Shihan persevered and paid off.

The comprehensive score is the second in the province! Xianyou No. 1 Middle School Huang Shihan learned in this way

After Huang Shihan entered middle school, she had less time to practice the piano, but her piano skills did not become unfamiliar because of this. After a month of intensive training before the exam, she bloomed her own light. She has never been exposed to bel canto singing, but through the teacher's systematic teaching and her own efforts, she has also achieved satisfactory results in the vocal exam.

"At the beginning, I would suffer from gains and losses, and I was afraid that I would miss out on cultural classes because I focused on art classes, but I quickly adjusted my mentality, and only by doing my best would I not waste every minute." Huang Shihan, who has clarified his thinking, brushes music theory questions, listens to audio to sharpen his ears, practices musicality, piano, and vocal music...... Through hard preparation, she achieved excellent results. "During the exam, I was especially grateful to myself for my hard work, and I felt that all the hard work was worth it." Huang Shihan told reporters.

After the art exam, she immediately raced against time to devote herself to the study of cultural classes. Perhaps it was music that stimulated her learning potential, and Huang Shihan's cultural class learning quickly entered the state. She also summed up a set of her own learning experience: we must pay attention to the system construction of each subject, know what we need to improve and where our shortcomings are. and develop a study plan and complete it with quality. At the same time, it is also necessary to review each mock test in a timely manner, find out the reasons for the poor test, check and fill in the gaps, and summarize and improve.

How is the summer vacation arranged? Huang Shihan said that she plans to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland first, and then come back to continue learning the piano, and wants to learn some other skills in her free time.

Source: Today's reporter Peng Licheng Editor: Wu Jinying Editor: Li Tingting Review: Tang Wei

The comprehensive score is the second in the province! Xianyou No. 1 Middle School Huang Shihan learned in this way

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