
Brand building and sports events are a win-win situation

author:China Famous Brand Magazine

  Sports is a hybrid of public welfare and business, and in the era of information overload, it is becoming more and more difficult to attract users' attention, and brand strategies need to be constantly upgraded

  Nowadays, brands have begun to establish an image of corporate public welfare and social responsibility with the help of sports events, changing from simple "advertising" marketing to "social" marketing, taking the initiative to deeply understand the behavior patterns, preferences and consumption habits of fans, and formulating precise marketing strategies

  In July, with the arrival of Euro 2024, the Paris Olympics and other events, this summer once again ignited the enthusiasm of sports fans. Every jubilant sports event is not only a stage for athletes to compete for the pinnacle of competition, but also a show for major brands to show sports technology and brand value.

  Today, Chinese brands focus on continuous investment and coherence in sports marketing, and through years of event sponsorship and continuous innovation, the brand has strengthened its brand recognition and loyalty in the minds of consumers. A single sports sponsorship and celebrity endorsement model is no longer the best choice for brands, and it is the key to deepen the upstream and downstream resources of the sports industry and explore innovative marketing models.

  The blessing of science and technology makes the brand stand at the forefront of the trend

  In April this year, the rainbow table tennis table in Paris, loaded with three containers, set off from the Double Happiness headquarters in Shanghai to start the journey of equipment for the Paris Olympic Games. At the upcoming Paris Olympic Games, the rainbow table with three-dimensional shapes, black and pink color schemes, and chip lighting systems will be unveiled, which is also the fifth time that Double Happiness has appeared in the Olympic arena. Lou Shihe, general manager of Double Happiness, said that in the two-year preparation, the design of the Paris rainbow table tennis table was meticulously crafted in design details and technology and humanities, whether it was a three-dimensional logo, a sharp-reducing process, or a lighting system.

  The Chinese equipment unveiled at the Paris Olympic Games, as well as the Ruibao T24 track car with an aviation-grade nano-carbon fiber frame, and the Zhangbo barbell with an original hand-grabbed groove design, are all new equipment and equipment that not only meet international standards but also have the level of Chinese research and development technology.

  In terms of broadcast technology, Alibaba Cloud will realize cloud broadcasting in the event broadcast technology of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, so that global audiences can see the games on the cloud, and the broadcast will also realize technological innovations such as three-dimensional freeze-frame images and slow-motion playback, so that the audience can more intuitively feel the difficulty and beauty of sports. Sotiris Salamuris, chief technology officer of Olympic Broadcasting Services and Olympic Channel Services, has said that Alibaba Cloud has served as the infrastructure for the broadcast of the Olympic Games in the past few years, allowing the Olympic stories to reach more global audiences.

  Under the empowerment of science and technology, the construction of venues, clothing, food, housing and transportation, and sports equipment all shine with the light of science and technology. At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the top "Bingdundun" created in China, the ice ribbon venue that tends to be close to zero carbon emissions, the short track speed skating competition uniform with stab-proof and anti-cutting fabrics, and the "Winter Olympics Flower that Never Withers" woven by Hengyuanxiang velvet thread, etc., let people see the scientific and technological power behind Chinese brands.

Brand building and sports events are a win-win situation

On November 29, 2023, the staff showed a blind box product of the special edition "Longdun Dun" for the New Year of the Dragon Photo by Ju Huanzong

  The 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games has attracted more than 170 companies to "nugget". 361 Degrees provided official sportswear and professional sports equipment for torchbearers, volunteers, technical officials, and more than a dozen Chinese national teams; ANTA designed the "China Red" award uniform for the Chinese delegation; The Chinese table tennis team wore the Li Ning jersey to compete in the Asian Games...... At that time, ANTA launched a professional running shoe matrix with the theme of "Standing at the Forefront of the Tide", inspired by the Zhejiang spirit embodied in Hangzhou, the host of the Asian Games. In this regard, Yao Peng, senior director of corporate communication of ANTA Sports Products Co., Ltd., told reporters that high-tech and functional products are the display of the brand's core capabilities, allowing consumers to experience products with different professional functions such as off-road outdoor and racing training, and the company will complete the expansion of the sports territory with more comprehensive and professional products. Sports events themselves have the emotional attributes of growth, hard work and enterprising, and today's technological empowerment is a powerful tool for the brand to create its own highlight moments, and it is also the result of the brand's years of hard work.

Brand building and sports events are a win-win situation

On April 9, 2024, at the first Jinjiang Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Matchmaking Fair, exhibitors learned about the "ANTA Storm Armor" rain-proof jacket at the ANTA booth

  In May, Li Ning, which witnessed the rise and vigorous development of China's sports industry, was also a good example, in the form of a science and technology chronicle, held a science and technology show with the theme of "Li Ning in the name of science and technology", which presented the scientific and technological innovation achievements of footwear products from multiple dimensions such as midsole technology, outsole technology, upper technology, and structural technology, so that consumers could feel the brand's persistent pursuit of scientific and technological innovation over the years.

  With the advent of the "Z Generation", more and more companies are focusing on the combination of technology in sports event marketing to meet the needs of young people in the Z generation for high-tech experience and attract their attention. Wang Yong, the initiator of the China Brand Festival and chairman of the Brand Alliance, suggested that brands continue to launch innovative and competitive products according to market demand and consumer feedback to meet the diverse needs of consumers; At the same time, improve the service level, provide consumers with a more convenient, efficient and personalized service experience, and enhance the emotional connection between the brand and consumers.

  A long-distance marketing run around "people".

  On April 18, on the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the Paris Olympics, Mengniu, as a global partner of the Olympic Games, joined hands with Deng Yaping, Tian Liang and others to draw an Olympic viewing gift package including Paris Olympics tickets, round-trip air tickets, hotels, etc. for netizens in the live broadcast of the Mengniu flagship store on Douyin, and sent a number of lucky people to the Paris Olympics to watch the games. In this online event, titled "Come to Mengniu to Paris to watch the Olympics", Mengniu used Douyin, Weibo, splash ads, topic marketing and other methods to build momentum, and won more than 750 million impressions.

  From Russia in 2018 to Qatar in 2022, Mengniu has been a long-term partner of the FIFA World Cup, and in 2019, it also became an "Olympic Global Partner". The brand's spokesperson, Gu Ailing, the Chinese women's football team and other images all interpret the connotation and power of "to be strong", and this spirit inspires oneself and blooms others.

  Liu Qingzhen, associate professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Sport University and director of the Department of Sports New Media, said that the formulation of a comprehensive marketing plan is a major change for brands to market international sports events. On the other hand, it is also necessary to pay attention to content creativity, insist that content is king, and enhance the relevance and storytelling of the brand and the event by producing brand stories, documentaries, interactive videos, etc. related to sports events, so as to attract the attention and participation of the target audience.

  In the process of acquiring brand equity, ANTA has also formed a very complete sports marketing idea, that is, to grasp the "three keys", namely "key figures", "key events" and "key occasions". Yao Peng said that athletes combine talent and athletic achievements in their respective fields, which is the most important resource in sports marketing. For ANTA, the Chinese national team in swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, boxing and other sports, as well as the Chinese delegation participating in previous Olympic Games, are the "key figures".

  Gao Lihua, a professor and director of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division of the Academy of Sciences of Beijing Technology and Business University, said that through big data analysis, brands can have a deeper understanding of fans' behavior patterns, preferences and consumption habits, and formulate precise marketing strategies. Using the results of data analysis, brands can make personalized content recommendations and advertising to meet the needs of different groups and improve market response speed and marketing effectiveness.

  Understand and meet the needs of consumers, stimulate strong emotions, and then mobilize this emotion to attach to the product, and through social networks, with the help of cross-border grafting with social events, and finally realize the swiping. It is a classic practice for many international brands to revolve their marketing campaigns around fan preferences. During the World Cup in Qatar, Adidas launched a grand campaign on the Douyin platform called "Football is still so good". Through various forms such as video display, search interaction, challenge participation, "brush must show" experience and lucky box surprise, it continues to reach users on the site, which continues to resonate among fans and make them deeply feel that "the charm of football is still undiminished".

  In fact, the battle for event marketing is essentially a battle for user attention. Also in the World Cup marketing campaign, Mengniu cleverly used the Douyin platform's "brush must be screened" and "shake an easter egg" function. Users only need to shake their phones gently to jump to the promotion page of Mengniu-related products, which is a convenient way to interact with users, which not only improves the conversion rate of users, but also helps to accumulate more potential consumers.

  Sports marketing strategies are becoming more personalized, helping brands build stronger relationships with consumers. Sports marketing in China is becoming more diversified, digital and interactive.

  Upgrade the brand with long-termism

  Industry experts said that most Chinese brands used sports marketing methods to stay in three axes: sponsoring events with heavy money, finding sports stars to do brand endorsements, taking advantage of sports events to push advertisements, and engaging in promotional sales. Wang Yong said that this shows that the brand value and social responsibility carried by sports marketing still need to be deeply explored by the brand, and the sports marketing strategy and the long-term marketing development strategy of the enterprise still need to be deeply combined.

  Ma Qiji, a researcher at the National Advertising Research Institute and vice chairman of the Digital Marketing Professional Committee of the China Advertising Association of Commerce, analyzed that most of China's local brand sports marketing focuses on famous events, and obtains some rights or authorizations through sponsorship and participation, which often belong to short- and medium-term rights and interests and short-term marketing behaviors, and cannot be closely integrated with the long-term marketing strategy of enterprises to have an impact, and it is difficult to precipitate into brand assets and transform them into long-term market influence, and often fall silent with the end of the event.

  In the era of information overload, it is becoming more and more difficult to attract users' attention, and the relationship between consumers and brands is no longer just "led", brand strategy needs to be continuously upgraded, in addition to establishing image and awareness, brands need to have an emotional connection with users.

  Nowadays, more and more brands are using sports events to establish an image of corporate public welfare and social responsibility, changing from simple "advertising" marketing to "social" marketing, taking the initiative to deeply understand the behavior patterns, preferences and consumption habits of fans, and formulating precise marketing strategies. For example, Mengniu has supported youth football development projects, and Li Ning and Anta have sponsored various youth sports activities for a long time, promoting the concept of national fitness, demonstrating corporate social responsibility, and conveying the company's commitment to sustainable development, thereby enhancing the brand image.

  Liu Qingzhen said that brands should adhere to long-termism in event marketing. First, it is necessary to set up a long-term sports marketing budget to ensure continuous brand investment and marketing, adhere to long-term investment in sports marketing, and avoid short-term behaviors that are eager for quick success; Second, we must continue to innovate, maintain the innovation of marketing activities, and constantly explore new marketing methods and forms; Third, we should conduct regular market research and competitive analysis, adjust and innovate marketing strategies in a timely manner, and maintain the vitality and attractiveness of the brand.

  In July, the upcoming Paris Olympics could be a groundbreaking Games, with the opening ceremony jumping out of the stadium and being held on the banks of the Seine; The International Olympic Committee (IOC) allows certified athletes participating in the Olympic Games to post video and audio of their participation in the Games on their social networks...... The stories on the field will be constantly renewed, but what will be remembered by people must be the brand's creative and emotional imprint. ("China Famous Brand" reporter Lu Tianjiao)

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