
Zhang Zhijie passed away: What is the most important thing in sports events?

author:Finance and economics

On June 30, 2024, in the last match of the group stage of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships, Zhang Zhijie, a player of the Chinese youth badminton team, suddenly fainted on the court with convulsions, and died after rescue efforts failed. The incident has raised concerns about first aid measures and medical equipment at sporting events.

Zhang Zhijie passed away: What is the most important thing in sports events?

According to the on-site video and expert analysis, Zhang Zhijie's accident may be related to cardiac disease, and the specific cause has not yet been clarified. However, there is some controversy regarding the responsibilities of the organizers and referees.

First of all, there is an opinion that there may have been a mistake in the first aid provided by the event's medical team. For example, an automated external defibrillator (AED) was not immediately brought for CPR, and the professional medical team did not intervene in time after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground. This has raised questions about the speed and handling of medical personnel.

Secondly, it was reported that when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the coach of the Chinese team tried to enter the field to check the situation, but was stopped by the referee. This may have affected the timeliness of the rescue. I am deeply saddened by this incident. I think the indifference of the Indonesian organizers to the Chinese is unacceptable. During the whole process, the referee did not make any response, and even prevented the coach of the Chinese team from entering the field. This attitude is not only disappointing, but also raises questions about the professionalism and responsibility of the referees.

Zhang Zhijie passed away: What is the most important thing in sports events?

In addition, the level of first aid treatment and equipment conditions of the first aid personnel of the Indonesian organizer have also attracted attention. How a country gets the right to host is a complex issue, but in any case, providing adequate medical equipment and training qualified first responders is a basic requirement. If there is a problem in this regard, then the country's ability to host international events needs to be re-examined.

There is no official conclusion that clearly states the responsibilities of the organizers and coaches. The Chinese Badminton Association said that they will keep in touch with the Asian Badminton Federation, the Organizing Committee of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships and all parties in Indonesia, and release new information to the public in a timely manner. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed its regret and condolences for the unfortunate death of the person concerned, and said that it will continue to guide the Consulate General in Surabaya to do a good job in follow-up work.

Overall, Zhang Zhijie's tragedy once again underscores the importance of first aid measures and medical equipment in sporting events. Ensuring the safety of athletes should be one of the most important tasks, whether in international or domestic competitions. In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again, we need to take a number of measures.

Zhang Zhijie passed away: What is the most important thing in sports events?

First, strengthen the training and preparation of medical teams for sporting events. They should have the necessary first aid skills and be able to make sound judgments and deal with them quickly. At the same time, they should always have the required medical equipment ready, such as AEDs, etc.

Second, establish a sound first-aid process and mechanism. In the event of an emergency, there should be clear procedures in place to guide the actions of the medical team. This includes stopping the game immediately, notifying the professional medical team, providing necessary first aid measures, etc.

Finally, strengthen the training and education of referees. They should know the basics of first aid and be able to make the right decisions in an emergency. They should not prevent anyone from entering the venue for rescue unless there are other safety considerations.

Zhang Zhijie's passing is a huge loss, but his tragedy is also a reminder of the need to strengthen first aid measures and medical equipment in sporting events. It is only by working together that we can ensure the safety of our athletes and provide them with a fair, just and safe environment for play.

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