
More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

National Business Daily

2024-07-01 07:57The official account of National Business Daily

On the afternoon of June 29, a vehicle spontaneously combusted in Shanghai's Beiheng Passage, which attracted the attention of netizens.

More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

According to the Xinmin Evening News, the reporter learned that there was indeed a Ferrari on fire in the Beiheng Passage, and when the fire department arrived at the scene to deal with it, the back half of the vehicle had been burned beyond recognition. The burning location is concentrated in the engine area, and the fire area is about 2 squares.

More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

According to the release of Lexing Shanghai, at 13:23 on June 29, the entrance of Tianmu Road in the direction of the East Bund in the direction of the Beiheng Passage to the exit of Zhejiang North Road (near the exit of Zhejiang North Road), a car caught fire, occupying 1 lane, and the rear vehicles passed slowly, at 14:44, the car fire accident from the entrance of Tianmu Road in the direction of the East Bund in the direction of the Beiheng Passage to the exit of Zhejiang North Road (near the exit of Zhejiang North Road) was handled, and the rear traffic resumed normal traffic.

More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

According to a report by Longitudinal Video on June 30, on the evening of June 29, the reporter contacted the owner of the car, Mr. Lei (pseudonym), who said that he had lent the car to a friend, which was an accident that occurred on the way to the car returned by the driver invited by the friend. "I was at home at the time, and my friend called me first to say that the water tank had burst, and after more than ten minutes, he told me that the car had spontaneously combusted." After that, Mr. Lei, as the owner of the car, rushed to the scene of the accident.

According to the surging news report, "this car has two modes of manual transmission and automatic transmission, and the substitute driver should not have been adjusted to automatic transmission, and the manual transmission 1 gear has been driven at a speed of fifty or sixty yards per hour, and the engine overheats due to high speed for a long time." Mr. Lei speculated that the coolant flowed out of the tank at first, and that there may have been no cooling measures after that. According to the Oriental Network Longitudinal Video, Mr. Lei got in touch with the driver and asked him if he drove in first gear throughout the whole process, "The driver replied that he said yes, and he said that he had driven fifty or sixty yards until now." ”

At present, both the driver and Mr. Lei have recorded their statements, and the fire department has informed them that it will take one month to issue a report on the cause of the fire. Mr. Lei said that the model of the vehicle that caught fire was a Ferrari F8 Spider, which was purchased in September 2022, with a total landing price of more than 5 million yuan, and the insured amount of commercial insurance bought was more than 2 million yuan. The substitute driver is a security patrol driver on a navigation platform. They have a bit of a bad attitude and think that this matter has nothing to do with them. ”

According to The Paper, at present, Mr. Lei is preparing to sue the Anxun driver to the court. According to public information, Anxun is affiliated to Shanghai Anxun Technology Co., Ltd., which was established in January 2021 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan.

On the afternoon of June 30, the reporter contacted the relevant staff of the security patrol driver, and the other party said that "we have paid attention to the incident, and the company is currently going through the process, and the follow-up will contact the owner of the car, and the specific situation will be communicated with the owner face-to-face." When the reporter wanted to ask about the insurance policy and details of the driving service, the staff member immediately hung up the phone.

In addition, a staff member of a navigation platform said that the accident-related situation is also being investigated internally by the platform, and it will take some time.

Editor|Cheng Peng, Du Bo

Proofreading|Chen Keming

Cover image source: Video screenshot

The daily economic news is synthesized from The Paper (Reporter: Xu Yijia), Metropolis Express, Xinmin Evening News, @乐行上海, Oriental Network Longitudinal Video

National Business Daily

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  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company
  • More than 5 million yuan of Ferrari spontaneously combusted, and the back half of the car burned beyond recognition! The owner of the car said that "the substitute driver is suspected of driving at a high speed in first gear" and is ready to sue the substitute driving company

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