
Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history

author:Iron color cultural creativity

Original Zhou Qilin

Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history

Next to the red boat in Jiaxing South Lake,

Feel the beating pulse of history.

July clouds float on the water,

A swaying boat floats on the water.

I feel,

The fate of China seems to be tied to the ship.

In history, Zheng He's fleet, Deng Shichang's Zhiyuan fleet,

The Chinese ship, it seems, no longer has the courage and strength,

Set sail.

How the ship longs to sail.

An ancient nation is waiting, waiting......

In July 1921, in the bloody storm,

A group of China's best young people,

Choose a swaying boat on the surface of South Lake.

Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history

In order to make the calamitous and ravaged Chinese ship,

In the bloody sea,

Looking for a route to the port of dawn,

They split the heavens with their great hands,

Lift up the sickle and the hammer,

Light up the red lights in the cabin with a match of faith.

One by one, the Communist Party of China was born on a small boat swaying on the water.

Since then, a slow-moving and disaster-ridden nation,

With a combination of a sickle and a hammer,

With the flag of navigation,

Lead the sons and daughters of China to set sail.

Tilt the moment, the sound of slapping the sky,

A deep singing voice,

"Internachonaire must be realized" sounded silently.

The voice was soft, so light that you could hear the blood boiling.

The beating pulse of history,

Soul-shaking coordinates.

There is a spirit of putting the people first from generation to generation.

It was July 23, 1921.

Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history
Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history

Author: Zhou Qilin, the former Eighth Division of the Railway Corps

Iron Soldier Poems | The beating pulse of history

Source: Veteran's original home public account

Braided hair: Iron Sword

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