
The "Summer Rule of Law Live Class" was launched, and the summer rule of law education for teenagers was further upgraded

author:Shanghai Huangpu

On the occasion of the arrival of the summer vacation, the Ruijin 2nd Road Sub-district Judicial Office in Shanghai Xiangming Junior High School carefully organized the "A Good Lesson and Law 'Children' Practice" law popularization activity on campus. With the theme of "Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency", the "Live Class on Law Popularization" invited lawyer Wang Jieying from Tiantai Law Firm to give a lecture on the theme of "Prevention of Juvenile Crime", respectively from the data and current situation of juvenile crime, a series of special topics on explaining the law with cases, and effective measures to prevent juvenile crime, etc., and dedicated a unique "Summer Legal Education Live Class" to the students.

The "Summer Rule of Law Live Class" was launched, and the summer rule of law education for teenagers was further upgraded

"From the perspective of the main types of crimes, juvenile crimes in mainland China are more concentrated in the categories of theft, gathering crowds to fight, rape, robbery, and picking quarrels and provoking troubles. From the perspective of the age of juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency shows a trend of younger age; From the perspective of joint crimes and accomplices, juvenile offenders in mainland China have little subjective malice and have the characteristics of high passivity. From the perspective of the application of criminal punishment, from 2020 to 2024, as many as 228 cases were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment in the main sentence, accounting for 83.8%......" In the class, Mr. Wang analyzed the trend and characteristics of juvenile crime through some data from the juvenile crime judicial big data report, and led to a reflection on the harmfulness of juvenile crime.

The "Summer Rule of Law Live Class" was launched, and the summer rule of law education for teenagers was further upgraded

Regarding the newly revised Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Mr. Wang compared and analyzed the various manifestations and definitions of "serious bad behavior" and "serious negative behavior", and explained the harmfulness of behaviors such as addiction to the Internet, skipping school, running away from home without reason, gambling, reading and disseminating bad books and online information. For the hot topic of "school bullying", which has a high degree of social concern, this paper focuses on the bystander effect generated by the behavior of bystanders in addition to the bully and the bullied, and encourages everyone to resolutely resist school bullying with courage and resourcefulness. By explaining the law with cases, it was explained that school bullying may touch the crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, assembling crowds to fight, and intentional injury in the criminal law, so that students can keep the alarm bell ringing and always maintain a sense of reverence for the law.

The "Summer Rule of Law Live Class" was launched, and the summer rule of law education for teenagers was further upgraded

After class, the students said that they had learned a lot of practical legal knowledge in the "Summer Legal Education Live Class", and improved their ability to use legal weapons to protect themselves and others.

"Judging from my interaction with the students at the scene, the legal literacy and enthusiasm of the students of Xiangming Junior High School are very high, which fully demonstrates the school's Taoist education. We need more children like this who are actively learning and using the law, and the future of the rule of law in China must be in their hands. Lawyer Wang Jieying said.

The "Summer Rule of Law Live Class" was launched, and the summer rule of law education for teenagers was further upgraded

The Ruijin 2nd Road Sub-district Judicial Office said that the summer vacation is an important period for juvenile legal education, and its significance and role cannot be ignored. This summer, the Judicial Institute will move the "Summer Rule of Law Education Course" into the students' summer practice, and carry out a series of legal popularization activities in an embedded, integrated and immersive manner through various forms such as rule of law culture and creativity, rule of law publicity, and case analysis, so that young people can learn legal knowledge and feel the spirit of the rule of law in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and sow the seeds of the rule of law in the hearts of more children.

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