
Show the demeanor of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage employees to climb the peak

author:Shanghai Huangpu

In order to vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit, recently, the Bansongyuan Road Street Federation of Trade Unions invited Zhang Chunhui, deputy general manager and deputy chief engineer of Shanghai Oriental Maritime Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., as a lecturer, to carry out a "model worker craftsman style" forum with the theme of "Exploration of Enterprise Digital Transformation under the Wave of Internet of Things" in the street party and mass service center. Grassroots trade union workers in the jurisdiction participated in the forum.

Show the demeanor of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage employees to climb the peak
Show the demeanor of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage employees to climb the peak

During the event, the Bansongyuan Road Street Federation of Trade Unions awarded letters to employee representatives. The recommended book "Interesting Tales of Science" mainly expounds the cultural nature of science through a series of stories and anecdotes of science. Starting from the mistakes and controversies of scientists, through the life stories of well-known scholars, the spirit of scientists is portrayed from the side. The whole book revolves around spatial vision and time scale: "collecting honey" among the flowers of scientific anecdotes, refining rational understanding to broaden horizons; "Enlightenment" in reading through time and space, and seeing the true place of human beings in the natural world.

Show the demeanor of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage employees to climb the peak

Zhang Chunhui, the lecturer, has won the 2023 Shanghai "Huangpu Craftsman" and Huangpu "Lintel Light" Young Talent and other awards. He has been engaged in the research and development of mechatronics and intelligent systems, and has won a number of provincial and ministerial awards and promoted the transformation of a number of scientific and technological achievements. He has applied for more than 20 patents and published 11 technical papers. In recent years, he has led the technical team to focus on the digital transformation of enterprises, and developed the "Dongfang Zhiyun" industrial Internet of Things software platform with independent intellectual property rights, which has been gradually applied to a number of practical industrial scenarios. At the lecture, he combined relevant pictures to show their scientific and technological trends and innovative achievements in a simple way. In the audience, the employees were attentive, full of curiosity and expectation for cutting-edge technology. In a strong academic atmosphere, everyone exchanged ideas, collided wisdom, and jointly explored the infinite possibilities of science and technology.

Show the demeanor of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage employees to climb the peak

As outstanding representatives of thousands of laborers in all walks of life, model workers and craftsmen have created extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions and demonstrated the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmen with practical actions. The Bansongyuan Road Street Federation of Trade Unions hopes to help employees broaden their horizons, learn more about knowledge and culture, and meet more like-minded friends by carrying out the "Model Worker Craftsman Style" forum and a series of reading activities. In addition, by giving full play to the demonstration and guidance of advanced models, we will encourage employees to carry out technological innovation activities and form a good innovation culture atmosphere that respects knowledge and advocates innovation. Encourage the majority of employees to carry out technological improvement, technological innovation, technological research and technological invention based on their own positions, improve the quality of employees and the company's independent innovation ability, and enhance core competitiveness.

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