
"Hunt for Bill" Japanese uniform beautiful girl has grown up! Drink and watch anime and wine every night

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Wu Ruici/Comprehensive Report

Japanese actress Chiaki Kuriyama in 2003 in "Hunt for Bill" beautiful girl killer, wearing a uniform against Uma Schumann, 21 years later, she participated in the "genre of late drinking" launched the third season, known as the "female version of "Lonely Foodie", she said: "I am very happy to be able to launch the third season, from simple side dishes to slightly complex dishes, Miyuki's evening drinks have also become my daily reference!" I hope that the summer will continue to spend a happy evening drink with the audience.

"Hunt for Bill" Japanese uniform beautiful girl has grown up! Drink and watch anime and wine every night

"The Genre of Evening Drinks 3" starring Chiaki Kuriyama in Japanese uniform, "Hunt for Bill". (Photo/Retrieved from TV Tokyo's official website)

"The Genre of Evening Drinks 3" is played by Japanese actress Chiaki Kuriyama as the heroine Miyuki Izawa, each episode is themed "how to drink the most delicious wine at the end of the day", when the first season aired in 2022, Miyuki's way of drinking caused heated discussions and became a topic of conversation in the community, and many viewers were influenced by Miyuki, using the "#晚酌の流仪" tag to share their personal evening drinking experience.

In order to maintain her craving for beer, the heroine Miyuki must perform a "late drinking trilogy" every day, first of all, drink less water after 3 p.m., and walk home if she finishes work early; If you unfortunately work overtime, you should also move your body in the company, and these three elements have become the "evening Bible" for many audiences. Miyuki's passion for alcohol continues to heat up this season, and with the principle of moving once a year, life has changed again, this time with an upgrade to a late-night drink, and the expansion of dinner ingredients from supermarkets to more colorful shopping streets means that more new characters will join the show.

"Hunt for Bill" Japanese uniform beautiful girl has grown up! Drink and watch anime and wine every night

Chiaki Kuriyama also likes to have a drink in private. (Photo/Retrieved from TV Tokyo's official website)

Theater producer Taku Matsumoto admits that when he wrote the plan book for the "Genre of Evening Drinking" series two and a half years ago, "I didn't expect to make it to the third season at all." I am very grateful to Chiaki Kuriyama for playing the role of Miyuki and establishing the charm of the heroine. It turns out that Chiaki Kuriyama has a good amount of alcohol in reality, and she often goes to an izakaya alone to have a drink after filming, or goes home to watch anime and drink Japanese shochu, so the role is simply tailor-made for her.

"Hunt for Bill" Japanese uniform beautiful girl has grown up! Drink and watch anime and wine every night

The third season of "The Genre of Evening Drinking" was launched, and even the theater producer Taku Matsumoto did not expect it. (Photo/Courtesy of Hami Video)

Chiaki Kuriyama has surprised the audience from the past "Chasing Bill" to the beautiful girl killer, to the later intrigue in "Oku" or the workplace struggle in "Can't Help Silence Hanasaki Dance 2024", she has brought surprises to the audience and proved her status as a powerful actor. The full drama "O'O" and "Can't Help Silence Hanasaki Dance 2024" have been released on Hami Video, and "Genre of Evening Drink 3" is now being broadcast exclusively on Hami Video!

● "ETtoday News Cloud" reminds you: don't drink and drive, don't drink while driving.

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