
Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

author:Anime says

In "Devouring the Starry Sky", the level and performance of the spaceships are different, the following are the six major spaceships sorted out according to the information in the anime, one is more handsome than the other, which one do you want to have?

Mecha (G-Tier or higher)

- Represents the highest technology of the mechanical race, surpassing the class of human-built ships.

- The entire body is made of E9 grade metal, which has the ability to repair itself.

- Equipped with three Star Destroyer Cannons and nine E3 laser cannons, it has the ability to destroy planets.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

Ink Asterisk

- Originally Huyanbo's car, it was made of F9 grade metal red mixed copper mother.

- Can easily slice through stars when boosted at full speed, and is damaged in the battle against the destruction of the Ink Star.

- After Luo Feng reaches the domain master level, it takes a lot of resources to repair.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

Mechanical Spaceship (used by Luo Feng)

- A spaceship left behind by a cyborg immortal, and was designated as the first plane when it was discovered by humans.

- The entire body is made of Tier 1 metal, with three Star Destroyers and nine Tier 1 and Tier 1 Laser Cannons.

- Although it is a first-class peak spaceship, its value is comparable to that of an F-class spaceship made by the Terrans.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

Heilongshan X81 spacecraft

- The first spaceship used by Luo Feng when he stepped into space.

- Originally owned by a big man in the Yinlan Empire, it sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and became a relic of an ancient civilization.

- It was used by Luo Feng after the repair of Babata, and was later sold for need.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

C9-class spacecraft

- After Luo Feng broke through to the stellar level, he used the account left by Hu Yanbo to buy.

- In terms of performance, it is not inferior to the previous C-class spaceship and the Heilongshan X81 spaceship.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?

C-class spaceship

- The spaceship used by Luo Feng after selling the Black Dragon Mountain X81.

- Captured from tribes that invaded Earth, worth hundreds of millions of Black Dragon Coins.

Devouring the Starry Sky: Inventory of the 6 top spaceships in the anime, do you want to get one?


Spaceships are among the most powerful mechs, with their advanced technology and firepower. The Meteorite Star and the mechanical spaceship used by Luo Feng followed, demonstrating their extraordinary value and strength. Heilongshan X81 and C9-level spacecraft represent Luo Feng's growth process in the universe.