
Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

author:Fall in love with Changping

Publicity and implementation of standards

In order to effectively improve the level of investigation and rectification of major accidents in the cultural and tourism industry, and give everyone a safer and more assured playing environment, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau has solidly promoted the "Publicity and Implementation of Major Safety Hazards in the Cultural Tourism Industry".

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Seminar on the Publicity and Implementation of the Judgment Standards for Major Accidents in the Cultural and Tourism Industry in Changping District

01Communicate quickly and organize learning

The party group of the bureau will incorporate the "judgment standards for major safety hazards in the industry" into the learning content, and study and implement the "standards" from top to bottom. At the same time, make full use of the "cultural tourism platform" and invite experts to carry out online training. From "what to check" to "how to check", to ensure the learning effect.

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Learn the criteria for judging major accidents

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Learn the criteria for judging major accidents

02Exchange and discuss to raise awareness

The District Culture and Tourism Bureau combined its work responsibilities to sort out the learning content, organize answering activities, and hold a seminar on the publicity and implementation of the criteria for judging major safety hazards in the cultural and tourism industry in the district.

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Carry out the answering of the criteria for judging the hidden dangers of major accidents

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Carry out the answering of the criteria for judging the hidden dangers of major accidents

03Pay attention to practical results and use good standards

In order to implement safety publicity, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau went deep into cultural and tourism enterprises to carry out safety production lectures, carry out safety production inspections, and help guide safety production. Ensure that every enterprise can carry out self-inspection and self-improvement against the benchmarking table, establish a list of major accident hidden dangers, perform safety production responsibilities in accordance with the law, and implement closed-loop management of safety production.

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Guide enterprises to carry out safety production work

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Guide enterprises to carry out safety production work

In the future, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau will continue to increase safety publicity and education and strengthen safety production supervision. Let every major hidden danger have nowhere to hide, and create a safe, orderly and civilized cultural tourism environment for citizens and tourists!

Flood prevention and disaster reduction

In the scorching summer, the flood season is approaching, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau further strengthened risk awareness, compacted responsibilities, strengthened overall planning, and held a flood control work deployment meeting for the cultural and tourism industry in Changping District, where more than 70 cultural and tourism colleagues discussed flood prevention plans and built a solid "safety wall" for summer travel safety!

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Changping District Cultural Tourism Industry Flood Control Work Deployment Meeting

At the meeting, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau deployed four major tourism flood prevention "tricks": one is to conscientiously prepare for the flood, the second is to dynamically carry out the investigation and rectification of flood prevention hidden dangers, the third is to strengthen flood prevention publicity training and emergency drills, and the fourth is to make every effort to deal with heavy rainfall in the flood season. At the same time, it was emphasized that learning the lessons of the "7.23" rainstorm and improving the flood prevention plan, especially in scenic spots and mountain country houses, should implement classified management and sub-regional response, so as to make the flood prevention work more accurate and effective.

Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action
Guarding the safety of cultural tourism | Changping Cultural Tourism is in action

Next, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau will also work with emergency, planning, meteorological and other departments to continue to strengthen the supervision responsibility of the industry, continue to do a good job in tourism flood prevention in 2024, and ensure the safe flooding of the cultural and tourism industry in Changping District.

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