
Sanlei Town, Minqin County: Ecological risk avoidance relocation allows the masses to "move" into happiness

author:Civil Employment Condenser

In gilded July, the sun is like fire. On July 1, Sanlei Town, Minqin County, held a relocation ceremony for Quwei Village's ecological and geological disaster avoidance, and presented a "gift package" to the relocated households to move into the new house, congratulating them on the joy of housewarming and a warm home.

Sanlei Town, Minqin County: Ecological risk avoidance relocation allows the masses to "move" into happiness

Distribute the "gift package" for moving into the new house Photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

Walking into the ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation centralized resettlement site in Quwei Village, the scattered farmhouse courtyard is spacious and bright, the well-decorated living room and bedroom are refreshing, and the relocated household Li Huaicheng is taking care of his own vegetable garden, which is warm and comfortable.

Sanlei Town, Minqin County: Ecological risk avoidance relocation allows the masses to "move" into happiness

Li Huaicheng takes care of the vegetable garden Photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

"I have already renovated and moved in, and today Murakami gave me a stove and so on, I am very excited, which is also an incentive for other residents to speed up the renovation progress and move into the new home as soon as possible." Li Huaicheng, a villager of Qishe in Quwei Village, Sanlei Town, said.

After the relocation ceremony, the town and village cadres went to the farmers' homes to talk about homely things, drum up enthusiasm, share the joy of relocation and move in, learn more about the recent production, life, work and employment of the relocated people, and look forward to a happy and beautiful life in the future.

Sanlei Town, Minqin County: Ecological risk avoidance relocation allows the masses to "move" into happiness

Talking to the relocated households and drumming up enthusiasm Photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

"Today, we held an occupancy ceremony in Quwei Village at the relocation site. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and it is also a new starting point for us. In the future, the 'two committees' of our village will continue to work hard to do practical things, do good things, and serve the masses well, so as to build this new home into a better place and make everyone's life more prosperous. Wu Junyuan, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Quwei Village, Sanlei Town, said.

Build the masses to "live in peace" and "move" into happiness. It is understood that Sanlei Town combined with the actual construction of 157 sets of resettlement houses in Quwei Village, 42 households have been occupied, 96 households are being renovated, supporting and improving infrastructure, building 157 breeding greenhouses, helping the masses to calculate the safety account, ecological account, development account and long-term account, and make every effort to let the masses "move" out of a good life, and truly realize that the masses travel more conveniently and live more conveniently.

Reporter: Zhang Xiaojiao

Source: Oasis Minqin client

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