
Zhenxiong County launched the "6.28" 18th International Epilepsy Care Day publicity activities

author:Zhenxiong Media

On June 28, the Zhenxiong County Health Bureau, together with the Zhenxiong County Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Zhenxiong County People's Hospital, organized medical staff to carry out the "6.28" 18th International Epilepsy Care Day publicity activity at Xiongteng Plaza.

Zhenxiong County launched the "6.28" 18th International Epilepsy Care Day publicity activities

Publicity and consultation points were set up at the event site, and the medical staff patiently explained the first aid and prevention of epilepsy and its complications, as well as the first aid treatment knowledge of acute seizures of epilepsy patients and the prevention of recurrence of epilepsy and its complications. provided more than 200 consulting services for the public; distributed more than 800 copies of publicity materials "Pay attention to epilepsy comorbidities", "epilepsy medication methods", "what are the complications of epilepsy" and "epilepsy first aid skills"; Covering about 400 people.

The purpose of this consultation activity is to improve the public's awareness and attention to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and its complications, enhance the understanding of patients on the standardized diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and epilepsy complications, and help patients build confidence in overcoming the disease.

Correspondent: Zhang Lei

Web editor: Wen Qinghua

First instance: Chen Xin

Second trial: Chen Lin

Third trial: Cheng Hong

Submission email|[email protected] Zhenxiong County Financial Media Center

Zhenxiong County launched the "6.28" 18th International Epilepsy Care Day publicity activities
Zhenxiong County launched the "6.28" 18th International Epilepsy Care Day publicity activities

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