
Zhenxiong's "Government Service Experience Officer" was hired to immerse himself in government services

author:Zhenxiong Media

In order to further deepen and expand the "special action to optimize government services and improve the business environment", the Zhenxiong County Government Service Administration issued invitation letters to 8 comrades including county people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, entrepreneurs and news media representatives, and appointed them as Zhenxiong "government service experience officers".

Zhenxiong's "Government Service Experience Officer" was hired to immerse himself in government services

At the symposium, the "government service experience officer" started from himself, shared his actual feelings about the process of government service in enterprise operation and work practice, and put forward opinions and suggestions. On the day of appointment, the "government service experience officer" went to the real estate, taxation, civil affairs and other windows to experience the process of consultation, number taking, queuing, and submission of application materials for high-frequency government service matters by listening to explanations and communicating with window personnel.

Zhenxiong's "Government Service Experience Officer" was hired to immerse himself in government services

"Government service experience officer, that is, the quality inspector of government services, but also the spokesperson of the masses, go deep into the front line of the window, incarnate as a clerk, focus on whether a door can be done thoroughly, whether the one-network office is perfect, whether the one-window office is in place, whether the approval service is standardized, whether the system is strictly implemented, whether the public service is satisfied 7 aspects, through online and offline experience, public opinion surveys, etc., feel the business handling process, and carry out government services and experience supervision from the perspective of users, so as to accurately identify the pain points of people's livelihood, service blockages, Reform difficulties and further improve service quality and efficiency. Zhang Mei, director of the Zhenxiong County Government Service Administration, told reporters.

Zhenxiong's "Government Service Experience Officer" was hired to immerse himself in government services

Mr. Li is one of the "government service experience officers" in this batch, he said that he is honored to be Zhenxiong "government service experience officer", this way is very novel, he usually goes to the government service window to do things, will seriously feel and put forward opinions and suggestions, so that the enterprise people can enjoy more efficient and convenient services when doing things.

"I heard people say that the procedures for applying for a certificate are cumbersome, and it takes several days to do it, but after experiencing it in person today, I found that the process is very simple, the staff is also very enthusiastic, and the efficiency is very fast, and I can get the certificate on the same day, which feels very good." Xu Shuai, a self-employed farmer, applied for a business license at the window and was very satisfied with today's more convenient government services.

Zhenxiong's "Government Service Experience Officer" was hired to immerse himself in government services

It is understood that the "government service experience officer" is mainly to sink the county-level government service center at least twice a year or sink the township (street) convenience service center from time to time, through all-round, multi-angle, multi-channel, and full-process experience of various types of government services, including "inter-provincial general office", "intra-provincial general office", "one thing at a time", comprehensive consultation, comprehensive service, assistant agency, one-stop preferential enterprise policy, development zone approval service, investment project (engineering construction) approval, "can't do" reflection window. "Experience officer" from the perspective of the enterprise masses to experience the government service work supervision, personally feel whether the window service is high-quality, whether the service process is concise, whether the efficiency is efficient, this process supervision, it is easier to find the details of the government service, as well as the "blind spot" that is easy to ignore in the past, the feedback information will be more comprehensive and true, to help the functional departments to collect and analyze service needs faster, accurately grasp the crux of the problem, to promote the standardization of government services, standardization, facilitation construction, Positive.

For the problems found by the experience officer, the Zhenxiong County Government Service Administration establishes a problem rectification account, refines the rectification measures, clarifies the responsible person and the rectification time limit, reconciles the accounts one by one, implements the supervision of special personnel, and effectively transforms the "problem list" found by the "government service experience officer" into a "satisfaction list" for the masses, so as to improve the experience, convenience and satisfaction of the masses.

Reporter: Gong Rui, Lin Shaobo

Web editor: Wen Qinghua

First instance: Chen Xin

Second trial: Chen Lin

Third trial: Cheng Hong

Submission email|[email protected] Zhenxiong County Financial Media Center

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