
The children of Yannan workers take the lead in enjoying the "summer care" of love

author:Modern Express

Another summer vacation is coming, and how to take care of the children on vacation has become a headache for employees. On July 1st, the problem of child care in the summer vacation was broken in Yannan, and the "Yannan Tongxin Childcare Class" set up by the Federation of Trade Unions of Yannan High-tech Zone was officially opened in Rongcheng Mengen Kindergarten, and nearly 50 children aged four to five became the first batch of objects to enjoy the love "summer care".

The children of Yannan workers take the lead in enjoying the "summer care" of love

There are more than 10,000 children in Yannan High-tech Zone, including nearly 1,000 children who are trade union members. Every winter and summer vacation, children at home are not at ease, brought to the class to affect the work, training classes not only cost money but also pick up and drop, "who will take the children" is the biggest problem for many workers.

In order to alleviate this problem, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yannan High-tech Zone has paid close attention to the needs of employees, innovated service methods, and took the lead in opening the "Yannan Tongxin Nursery Class" to provide free summer vacation childcare services for member employees, so that the baby has a new "home" and the parents' hearts can be put down. During the investigation, the employee surnamed Song of Yancheng Huiyan Finance Co., Ltd. said excitedly: "Our child has just finished the small class, and is about to go on summer vacation, I don't know whether to invite the housekeeping aunt or send her back to her hometown in Shandong. ”

The children of Yannan workers take the lead in enjoying the "summer care" of love

This summer, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yannan High-tech Zone cooperated with high-quality kindergartens in the region to provide summer care services for the children of employees of organs, institutions and enterprises that have established trade unions in the pilot area. The custodian service is the same as the usual kindergarten service content, each class is equipped with 3 teachers and 1 nursery, providing lunch break and three meals and two points, providing refined care and precise guidance for children of different ages in the custodian class, providing children with diversified learning experiences such as swimming, physical fitness, bilingual picture books, piano, art, Chinese culture, etc., to stimulate children's potential and interest. Rongcheng Mengen Kindergarten also carries out extended service according to the work and rest time of employees, and the morning is advanced to 8:15, and the evening reception is delayed to 18:15. What's more intimate is that, according to the fact that many employees in Yannan only have one day off a week, the childcare class carries out the childcare service normally every Saturday, and the parents' peace of mind has been extended from five days to six days. This customized service is very popular with employees.

The district's federation of trade unions regards the safety of children in kindergartens as a top priority. In order to ensure safety, Rongcheng Mengen Kindergarten will extend the authority of network video surveillance in the park to the district federation of trade unions and parents, and union staff and parents can check the custody situation at any time with mobile phones. In addition, the kindergarten also purchases accident insurance for each child to provide more security.

The children of Yannan workers take the lead in enjoying the "summer care" of love

Principal Li of Rongcheng Mengen Kindergarten is full of expectations for the nursery class. On the day of the class, she said to the parents who sent the baby: "You can go to work with peace of mind, we will help you take care of the baby." We will live up to the trust and provide a safe, healthy and fun childcare environment for children, so that children can receive special care during the summer vacation! ”

In order to do a good job in childcare services, Mengen Kindergarten has also done its homework. They overhauled 164 360-degree network surveillance cameras in the park, carefully cleaned the classrooms, and disinfected the kitchen to ensure a safe, clean and healthy environment for the children.

On the occasion of the opening of the class, Dai Ronghai, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Yannan High-tech Zone, said that the opening of the summer care class has initially alleviated the problem of taking care of the children of some trade union employees during the summer vacation. In the next step, on the basis of "trade union + kindergarten", we will expand the scope, enrich the form, increase the "trade union + training institution", "trade union + children's activity center" and other custody models, and strive to make the custody service a trade union brand that satisfies employees and is praised by the society.

Correspondents: Wang Ju, Wang Sinan, Guo Min