
Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

author:Modern Express

Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Yancheng, across five cities, nearly 300 kilometers of cycling, a total of nearly 46 hours, the completion of this feat is a father and son, the child is only 13 years old.

Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

△ Yang Ziyi and his son Yang Chenxi

"We now live and work in Nanjing, but Yancheng Dafeng is my wife and me's hometown, and I hope to give my children an unforgettable gift for graduating from primary school by cycling." Yang Ziyi said.

Experienced heavy rain and did not flinch

For this ride, Yang Ziyi, Yang Chenxi, father and son planned the route in advance and traveled lightly. "At 12 noon on June 22, we set off from Nanjing, passing through Nanjing Xianlin - Longtan - Jurong - Zhenjiang City - Zhenyang Qidu - Yangzhou City - Jiangdu - Taizhou City - Jiangyan - Dongtai, and arrived at Nanyang Town, Dafeng, our hometown at 9:50 on June 24." Yang Ziyi told a reporter from Modern Express.

Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

△ Cycling routes

"At first, it wasn't a smooth ride. I experienced a torrential rain when I set out from Nanjing, and it also rained heavily in Yangzhou that night, and although I wore a raincoat, my whole body was still soaked. Because of the heavy rain and high temperature, Yang Chenxi's mother called many times to drive over to pick them up and persuade them to give up, but Yang Chenxi always insisted, "Regardless of wind and rain, ride to the end." ”

Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

Because of the heavy rain, they stayed in the hotel on the first day. The next day, after the rain and the sky was clear, they spent the night by the river, which made the camping equipment come in handy.

During the ride, it was full of rewards

"Riding was challenging and challenging, both of us were first-time riders with little experience. Along the way, the two of us encouraged each other, and my son encouraged me more. Yang Ziyi said that whenever he wanted to retreat, it was his son who encouraged him to move on.

Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

Every time they go to a city, they will visit places of interest and historic sites, and along the way they will see Jurong Qianhua Ancient Village, Zhenjiang Xijindu, Yangzhou Dongguan Street, Taizhou Qintong Ancient Town, Dongtai Xixi Scenic Area......

"During the ride, many people admired our perseverance and determination, and some people wondered if our car was a battery car, of course not." Yang Ziyi said that the most profound memory is the scene of farmers plowing the land and planting seedlings in the rain in order to have a good harvest in the coming year, and the children were very touched to see it.

Across five cities, the man took his 13-year-old son to ride nearly 300 kilometers back to his hometown

Along the way, they rode a total distance of nearly 300 kilometers, a total time of 45 hours and 50 minutes, and a ride of about 24 hours.

Through this ride, Yang Ziyi wants to tell his child that for him, there are countless roads waiting for him to "ride" in the future. I hope that no matter how far he goes or how far he rides in the future, he will not forget the way he came and the land of his hometown.

"We also discussed that after the child's college entrance examination is over, we will ride to Lhasa with him and take him to a broader journey in life." Yang Ziyi said.

Correspondent: Wang Zhichong, Modern Express/Modern + Reporter, Faye Wong

(Photo provided by the interviewee)