
Raysync realizes AD domain integration to help enterprises secure file transmission and control


In today's era of explosive expansion of information, enterprise data is like a treasure trove of infinite value, which is not only the carrier of the core competitiveness of enterprises, but also the focus of various potential risks. As the pace of digital transformation accelerates, the management control of secure file transfer is more important than ever, and it forms the first solid line of defense to protect enterprise information security. This article attempts to deeply analyze the deep reasons why enterprises attach great importance to secure file transfer, outline the current security control strategies, and reveal how Raysync integrates with the AD domain to bring a storm of innovation to file transfer security.

Raysync realizes AD domain integration to help enterprises secure file transmission and control

Why companies are concerned about secure file transfer control

In day-to-day business activities, the frequent exchange of documents often involves the flow of sensitive information, including but not limited to customer databases, financial statements, core technical drawings, etc. The leakage of this information can damage the reputation of the enterprise at a small level, and lead to legal proceedings, economic losses and even the loss of core competitive advantages. Therefore, ensuring the security of the whole process of file transmission and preventing data from unauthorized intrusion or tampering has become a compulsory course for enterprise information security strategy. As a leader in the field of secure transmission, Raysync (privatized deployment solution, can also be connected to the public cloud, and enterprise and social organization users can apply for a free trial), has proposed an innovative and flexible solution - AD domain integration to enhance the security control efficiency of file transfer.

The core advantages of Raysync secure transmission control

Raysync realizes AD domain integration to help enterprises secure file transmission and control

Raysync not only focuses on providing fast and efficient data transmission services, but also deeply integrates advanced security mechanisms, and its core advantages are reflected in:

  • Personalized permission management system: Gives enterprises the ability to customize user and team access rights on demand, ensuring that data is only available to necessary personnel.
  • Intelligent security policies: Automatically detect sensitive content and apply corresponding encryption and protection measures to effectively reduce the risk of human error.
  • Comprehensive log audit function: Record the details of each file operation in detail, facilitate audit trail, and ensure operation compliance.
  • All-in-one security management platform: Integrates key links such as file transfer, storage, and sharing into the management, simplifies the O&M process, and improves efficiency.

AD domain integration: Raysync's advanced security control policy practice

Raysync realizes AD domain integration to help enterprises secure file transmission and control

AD Domain, a directory service system designed by Microsoft, provides a centralized solution for enterprise resource and user authentication. In the AD domain environment, users can access all authorized resources through a one-time login, achieving single sign-on (SSO), which greatly improves work efficiency and simplifies the complexity of rights management. Through the integration with the AD domain, Raysync has further upgraded the file security control policy:

  • Unified Identity: Ensure that employees have access to all controlled resources with unified credentials.
  • Centralized management: It is convenient for administrators to efficiently handle the user account lifecycle, permissions, and resource allocation.
  • Organizational structure mapping: Through the division of organizational units (OUs), it fits the internal structure of the enterprise and realizes fine-grained permission management.
  • Advanced security: Implement password policies, access controls, and more to ensure data is solid.
  • Cross-domain trust support: Facilitate resource sharing and seamless collaboration between large enterprises or multinational companies.

Overview of the AD user authentication process

  1. AD domain configuration: Create user accounts and groups on domain controllers and assign permissions.
  2. LDAP communication bridging: The LDAP3 library is used to establish a communication link between the application and the AD domain to complete authentication and information retrieval.
  3. User authentication: The user enters the password of the AD domain account, and the application initiates an authentication request to the domain controller through LDAP.
  4. Information query feedback: After successful verification, obtain user details, such as email address, department affiliation, etc.
  5. Raysync and AD domain integration: Seamlessly integrate AD domain identity authentication into Raysync applications to achieve one-click login authentication for users.

Sample code display

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SIMPLE, SYNC, ALL

# Configure the AD domain server information

AD_SERVER = 'ldap://your_ad_domain_controller'

AD_USER = 'your_ad_user'

AD_PASSWORD = 'your_ad_password'

AD_BASE_DN = 'dc=example,dc=com'

def authenticate_user(username, password):

# Establish a connection to the AD domain server

server = Server(AD_SERVER, get_info=ALL)

conn = Connection(server, user=AD_USER, password=AD_PASSWORD, authentication=SIMPLE, check_names=True, read_only=True)

if not conn.bind():

print('Failed to bind to AD server')

return False

# Search for the user's DN

user_dn = f"CN={username},CN=Users,{AD_BASE_DN}", '(objectClass=person)', attributes=['cn', 'displayName'])

if not conn.entries:

print('User not found in AD')

return False

user_entry = conn.entries[0]

# Use the user DN and password for authentication

user_conn = Connection(server, user=user_dn, password=password, authentication=SIMPLE, check_names=True, read_only=True)

if not user_conn.bind():

print('User authentication failed')

return False

print(f'User {user_entry.displayName} authenticated successfully')

return True

# Example: Authenticate a user

username = 'your_username'

password = 'your_password'

authenticate_user(username, password)

In the above code, you can use authenticate_ad_user functions to authenticate users by replacing the AD_SERVER, AD_USER, AD_PASSWORD, and AD_BASE_DN with the actual AD domain server information.

Raysync is an in-depth security policy integrated with the AD domain

The seamless integration of Raysync and the AD domain not only greatly improves the efficiency of user authentication, but also realizes the fine-tuning and optimization of file access control with the help of the refined permission management framework of the AD domain to ensure that every data interaction meets the strict security specifications of the enterprise. This deep integration mode enables Raysync to build an insurmountable firewall in the field of security management and control while ensuring the transmission speed, escorting the digital journey of the enterprise.

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