
The competition empowers the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move forward hand in hand

author:Ecological Ya'an
The competition empowers the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move forward hand in hand

The scene of the theory competition

The competition empowers the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move forward hand in hand

The scene of the weaver competition

The competition empowers the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move forward hand in hand

The scene of the sewing competition

The competition empowers the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move forward hand in hand

Judges will select and score

From June 26th to 27th, the first garment industry labor and skills competition in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and the third textile industry labor and skills competition in Sichuan Province with the theme of "Singing a Tale of Two Cities and Sewing Wisdom and Textile Power" were held in Lushan County.

This is a grand event for skilled talents in the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to compete for skills, exchange experience and promote each other, and it is also an excellent platform to display the development achievements of the textile and garment industry in Ya'an, and it is also an exchange and sharing meeting to promote the high-quality development of the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing.

With the competition as the medium and moving towards the "new", the textile and garment industries in Sichuan and Chongqing are striding forward towards the goal of achieving high-quality development.

Build a platform for communication and learning

Sichuan and Chongqing textile and garment industry skilled talents promote each other

On the morning of June 27, in the sewing workshop of Sichuan Qiya Garment Co., Ltd. in Lushan Economic Development Zone, Sichuan, more than 100 contestants from Sichuan and Chongqing were scattered on their respective "battlefields", making patterns, drawing threads, sewing, and decorating...... In the "click" sound of the electronically controlled high-speed lockstitch sewing machine, red dresses gradually took shape.

At the same time, in the weaving workshop of Lushan Jiamao Textile Co., Ltd., located in Lushan Economic Development Zone, Sichuan, hundreds of air-jet looms are operating synchronously in the workshop, and 49 contestants from Sichuan came to the air-jet looms one by one, and under the traction of the air flow, the broken warp and weft cloth were repaired with fine and soft yarn.

In this competition, two competitions of sewing workers and weavers were set up, with a total of 12 teams and more than 150 contestants from Chongqing, Chengdu, Mianyang, Nanchong, Ya'an and other places participating. The competition consisted of two parts: theoretical examination and practical skills assessment, and on the evening of the 26th, the contestants completed the theoretical competition.

During the two days, the contestants showed their skills, exchanged skills, communicated with each other, broadened their horizons, learned from experience, and improved their skill level.

"This competition is a very rare opportunity, and I am both nervous and excited to compete with so many masters in the garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing." After the competition, Song Quanfang, a contestant of the Ya'an team and an employee of Sichuan Qiya Garment Co., Ltd., said that through the competition, she found that she still had many deficiencies, and she had to continue to learn and improve in order to keep up with the development of the industry.

In the competition on the 27th, the practical skills assessment of sewing workers attracted attention. With the title of "Women's Fashion Dress", the contestants are required to sew the cut pieces of clothing into ready-to-wear according to the style drawing within 4 hours, according to the style and process requirements of the topic, and according to the specified number of decorative materials provided (such as lace, lace, sequins, ribbons, fragmented fabrics, etc.), they can choose more than three kinds of combined design, reasonably decorate the dress, and complete the overall design of the dress.

"In the industry, the production of dresses is not complicated, but the fabric of the dresses made in this competition has a good drape, which is relatively silky, and the production is a test of craftsmanship." Zhang Longlin, a judge of the sewing workers' practical skills assessment and a professor of clothing and apparel design at Southwest University, said that in addition to testing the basic skills of sewing workers, the competition also assessed their clothing styling aesthetics and design ability.

After submitting the entries, Zhong Juying from the Nanchong team carefully watched the works of other participating teams. "Everyone's work is very design and personal, and I have learned a lot and gained a lot." Zhong Juying said.

After two days of fierce competition, in the end, Su Lilan from the Chongqing team won the first place in the sewing competition, and Wang Yan from the Ya'an team won the first place in the weaver competition.

The development of new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development, and high-quality skilled talents are an important support for the high-quality development of the industry.

"The textile and garment industry is the traditional advantage of our province and an important livelihood industry, in the current situation of developing new quality productivity according to local conditions, we need a group of knowledge-based, skilled, innovative industrial workers." He Moucheng, chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Finance and Trade Light Chemical Textile Trade Union, said that the competition used the competition as a medium to build an exchange and learning platform for skilled talents in the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing, and effectively promoted the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move towards the high-end of the value chain.

Build a green and smart textile base in southwest China

Continue to launch the signboard of "Southwest Textile in Lushan".

Sichuan and Chongqing are important production areas of silk, linen, wool, cotton and other textile raw materials in the mainland, and the textile and garment industry has a long history, profound heritage and great potential.

As a traditional advantageous industry in Chengdu-Chongqing, the textile and garment industry has a complete industrial chain cluster, and the industry scale ranks in the leading position in the western region, and occupies an important position in the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. In recent years, in the face of increasingly fierce market competition pressure, the textile and garment industry has accelerated the implementation of industrial upgrading and green transformation focusing on informatization, automation and intelligence, and the requirements for the quality of the workforce are also increasing.

Xu Qibin, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, said that the labor and skills competition held in Lushan County with the theme of "Singing the Tale of Two Cities and Sewing Wisdom Textile Power" is to help further improve the skills of employees in the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing by building a platform and empowering them with competitions, boosting the further development of the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing, and contributing to the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle.

Why Lushan County? "The textile and garment industry in Lushan County has grown from scratch and from small to large, forming a modern green industrial cluster that integrates spinning, weaving and garmenting, with cotton spinning production capacity accounting for 10% of the province and covered yarn production capacity accounting for 10% of the country. At the opening ceremony of the competition, many guests talked about the good momentum of the development of the textile and garment industry in Lushan County.

The textile industry in Lushan County started in 2007, and after years of development, the whole textile industry chain has been basically built. In 2023, the county's 26 textile enterprises above the designated size will achieve an annual output value of 3.12 billion yuan.

In recent years, Lushan County has scientifically led the transformation of enterprises from "weaving" to "intelligent manufacturing", vigorously implemented the five key projects of recruiting large and strong people, building chains and supplementing chains, process upgrading, brand promotion, and intelligent manufacturing, and accelerated the construction of a modern green and intelligent textile industry system integrating chemical fiber, cotton spinning, weaving, design, and garment, and "Southwest Textile in Lushan" has gradually become a consensus in the industry.

"Lushan County has previously held two consecutive Sichuan textile industry labor and skills competitions, and has accumulated rich experience in the preparation and holding of the event." Ren Bingyue, a staff member of the Lushan County Federation of Trade Unions, said that as the only place to hold the labor and skills competition in the textile industry in the province, the rich experience in organizing the competition is also one of the reasons for attracting the first garment industry labor and skills competition in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle to settle in Lushan County.

"The textile industry in Lushan is modern and large-scale, and the equipment and facilities are also very advanced, which is relatively rare in the southwest region." Zhang Longlin said that the textile industry in Lushan and Chongqing has its own characteristics, relatively speaking, Chongqing attaches more importance to the development of downstream industries, and Lushan is more powerful in the upstream of the textile industry. The two places can learn from each other's strengths and develop in tandem to jointly promote the textile and garment industry in Sichuan and Chongqing to move towards the high-end of the value chain, so that more talents can stay in the local area for development.

At present, Lushan County is actively expanding the function of smart textiles, highlighting the integrated development of modern green new textiles and big data industries, focusing on building a number of leading and world-class smart workshops and smart factories in China, and making every effort to build a green and smart textile base in Southwest China.

Reporter Li Li

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