
Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

author:Mushroom heads

Zhang Lan and her grandson's warm reunion: love across thousands of mountains and rivers

Today, our camera is focused on a special grandmother - Zhang Lan. She, an ordinary but extraordinary old man, once again embarked on the journey of the journey. This time, her destination is a third place far away, where there is a little person in her heart - her grandson Xiao Linlin.

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

Before leaving, Zhang Lan received a special news: Xiao Linlin, who usually doesn't like haircuts very much, went to cut a handsome hairstyle for this meeting. This news made Zhang Lan's heart warm, as if she had seen the smile on her grandson's immature face.

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

From the video shared by Zhang Lan, we can see that although the old lady is full of exhaustion, her eyes light up at the mention of her grandson, as if all the exhaustion has disappeared. In the waiting hall of the airport, she even happily sang the national anthem, which was full of love for the motherland and longing for her family.

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

Imagine how deep and great is an elderly grandmother who travels long distances to see her grandson! However, even if they met, Zhang Lan couldn't return to her familiar home, this kind of helplessness and grievance, I'm afraid only she can deeply understand.

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

But Zhang Lan was not depressed by this, she knew that as long as she could be with her grandson, everywhere was home. This optimism and strength make people can't help but be moved. She tells us with her actions: love is the greatest power in the world, which can make us overcome all difficulties and move forward bravely.

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

Zhang Lan's story is not only a simple family story, it is also a story about love, family affection, perseverance and courage. It tells us that no matter where we are, no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as there is love, there is hope.

Now, let's praise Zhang Lan and Xiao Linlin's warm reunion! At the same time, it also makes us reflect on ourselves, should we also cherish our relatives around us more and warm their hearts with more love?

Although Zhang Lan met her grandson, she couldn't return to her home, which made her feel so aggrieved

Finally, if you are also moved by Zhang Lan's story, you may wish to leave your blessings and thoughts in the comment area! Let's pass on this love and warmth together and make this world a better place!

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