
Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

author:Mushroom heads

Wang Xiaofeima Xiaomei's pregnancy plan is exposed! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

Hey, dear friends, today let's talk about some fresh and hot gossip! Did you hear that? Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, a model couple in the entertainment industry, have been busy preparing for pregnancy recently! This is not groundless, Wang Xiaofei personally broke the news in the live broadcast, saying that he is now drinking Chinese medicine every morning and evening, and insists on exercising on the treadmill for half an hour, this pregnancy preparation is really full of energy!

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

Wang Xiaofei's live broadcast made everyone happy. While drinking Chinese medicine, he smiled and said, "If I can get pregnant, I am absolutely obliged!" How good our genes are, how many more must we have! As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room exploded, and netizens left messages and ridiculed: "Brother Wang, you are going to challenge the limits of biology!" "Brother Fei, your way of preparing for pregnancy is too hard! ”

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

But then again, the couple Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei have always been exemplary representatives of the entertainment industry. Not only do they have successful careers, but their families are also happy. This preparation for pregnancy has made everyone see their importance and expectations for their family. It is said that Wang Xiaofei put a lot of effort into preparing for pregnancy. He not only insisted on drinking Chinese medicine every day to regulate his body, but also specially invited professional nutritionists and fitness coaches to formulate a set of scientific pregnancy preparation plans.

As for Ma Xiaomei, she also fully supports Wang Xiaofei's pregnancy preparation plan. She not only accompanied Wang Xiaofei to exercise together, but also cooked herself and prepared various nutritious pregnancy meals for Wang Xiaofei. The tacit cooperation of the husband and wife is really enviable!

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

Of course, preparing for pregnancy doesn't happen overnight. Wang Xiaofei also admitted frankly in the live broadcast that the couple is ready to prepare for pregnancy for a long time. "We hope to have good news this month, but also know that it will take time and patience," he said. We will continue to work hard to welcome our little one as soon as possible! ”

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

As soon as these words came out, netizens sent their blessings one after another. Some netizens said: "Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are really a clear stream in the entertainment industry!" Wishing them a happy welcome to their little one! Some netizens said: "This way of preparing for pregnancy is too hard!" But I'm sure they'll have their little ones in their hands! ”

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are starting to get pregnant! Chinese medicine + running, they really fight!

So, dear friends, what do you think of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's pregnancy preparation plan? Do you think they are very hardworking? Or, do you have any good advice for getting pregnant that you'd like to share? Come and leave a message in the comment area! Let's cheer for Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, and look forward to welcoming their babies as soon as possible!

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