
Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better


Original Minai release


With the rapid development of the era of big data and the gradual increase in the impact on the pharmaceutical industry, the digital transformation of enterprises, the reconstruction of marketing systems, the exploration of disease tracks, the selection of varieties and the construction of echelons, etc., are the ardent expectations of every decision-maker to reduce uncertainties and risks by obtaining effective data. On the afternoon of June 26, the 2024 MISI Conference Parallel Forum was held, not only with representatives from Pusheng Holdings, Good Doctor Group, China Resources Pharmaceutical Commerce, China Resources Shuanghe and other enterprises sharing practical experience in data application, but also with the new BI intelligent version 4.1 pattern system of three terminals and six markets brought by Minenet to explore the value of data.

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

The meeting was presided over by Liu Jianhui, deputy general manager of Sinopharm Modern Marketing, she said that data is the premise of decision-making, how to improve the quality and efficiency of decision-making through data analysis is not only the focus of this theme forum, but also the hot spot of concern for pharmaceutical colleagues, I hope you can get more harvest and inspiration through this sharing and learning.

Zhang Chengde, Chief Product Experience Officer of Minenet, brought the new product release of Minenet's new product "BI Intelligent Version 4.1 Pattern System of Three Terminals and Six Markets", which will be the four major markets of urban public hospitals, county-level public hospitals, urban community centers, and township health centers and the two markets of urban physical pharmacies and online pharmacies, realizing the first three-terminal and six-market omni-channel drug terminal competition pattern in the country.

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

The new version of the system also adds more query and filter conditions, optimizes the analysis function module, strengthens the system relevance, and adds a number of convenient functions, which are full of highlights waiting for you to experience.

Specifically, in terms of query and filter conditions, the group search and multi-condition check query functions have been added, multiple drug attributes and enterprise attribute filter conditions have been added to the common filter conditions, and multiple custom filter conditions for varieties and enterprise rankings have been added under the individual filter conditions. In the analysis function module, new statistics by quarter, new ranking by group, new variety/brand comparison function, new enterprise/group comparison function, new public medical institutions by sales number statistics. In addition, the system relevance has been improved, the category analysis, drug route analysis and dosage form analysis have been merged into the category analysis, and the query function of freely switching between different analysis dimensions with the same conditions of commonality has been added, and chemical drugs, biological drugs, and Chinese patent medicine enterprises can be double-selected and merged in ranking, and the query results of enterprises/groups can be quickly split into chemical drugs, biological drugs, and Chinese patent medicines.

Make good use of data in multiple points and face-to-face areas to help enterprises develop with high quality

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

Tan Xiaojing, senior research manager of the data research center of Minenet Hospital, delivered a theme report entitled "Accurate grasp of omni-channel data-driven variety planning and layout", she believes that product strategy is the leading project of pharmaceutical companies, and doing a good job in this work can not only increase sales and profits, reduce business risks, but also optimize resource allocation, maximize economic benefits, and enhance brand influence and enhance enterprise competitiveness. The core of product planning is to focus and guide resource allocation. She mentioned several key points in the case sharing, first of all, we should do a good job in internal resource sorting and external environment analysis, and secondly, in the dimension of product screening, we should focus on the market attractiveness, competitiveness and synergy of the product, after matching and screening the information of the product, then prioritize the product, build the prioritization of the product through the GE matrix, and then determine the final product echelon through internal and external group discussions, high-level demonstrations, etc.

Zheng Zhiwei, co-founder and president of Pusheng Holdings, believes that digital technology helps enterprises operate, and the end point is to maximize customer needs and deliver value. By participating in the research project "The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Performance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Enterprises", he got some enlightenment and shared with the guests. First of all, he believes that actively embracing digital transformation and improving the new qualitative capabilities of enterprise operations is not achieved overnight, but is a continuous adaptive process of long-term optimization and upgrading, continuous improvement and reform. Second, it is a tool for management in any new way, but it must revolve around customer data. When it comes to how to use digital technology to establish and maintain customer data asset elements, he believes that it is necessary to open up sources and reduce expenditures, and do incremental stock protection.

Xie Weihang, assistant general manager of Good Doctor Group, mentioned in the report entitled "Using Big Data as the Fulcrum to Leverage Enterprise R&D Innovation" that the purpose of R&D is innovation, and the value of innovation lies in efficacy, and only efficacy can bring profits. And marketing is the process of discovering needs and satisfying them. He believes that demand is the gap between expectations and reality, and it is necessary to use data to quantify demand. He made a specific analysis of the hot topic of weight loss as an example, and learned the market potential of GLP-1 receptor agonists, the advantages and disadvantages of the blockbuster semaglutide through data, and tried to create "companion" products for its disadvantages, and took advantage of its advantages to obtain new opportunities.

Shi Lichen, Director of Innovation Business Management of the Strategic Development Department of China Resources Pharmaceutical Commercial Group, published a report entitled "Reconstruction of Pharmaceutical Marketing System under Big Data", in which he believes that the disadvantages of traditional pharmaceutical marketing include product-centric, channel dependence, single marketing means, etc., and multi-layer factors such as policies and markets lead to the urgent need for change in traditional pharmaceutical marketing, the rapid growth of Internet drug sales, and the opportunity for change in drug sales under big data. He believes that the premise of the reconstruction of the pharmaceutical digital marketing system under big data is that the decision-making level and management should develop the habit of relying on data to make decisions, and the key points include data acquisition, data and business combination analysis, marketing decision-making and planning, marketing behavior control platform, warehousing and logistics system building, review, evaluation, iteration, etc.

Dong Yaoping, Director of Business Intelligence of the Strategic Operations Department of China Resources Shuanghe, gave a detailed explanation in the "Research Methods and Strategies for Exploring the Disease Track", taking the hot track in the first half of 2024 as an example, and he believes that the analysis of the disease track includes six dimensions: policy, technology, market, capital, benchmarking, and landing. Talking about the comprehensive consideration of the track layout, he believes that the small nucleic acid antibody belongs to the tactical track, the market potential is in the 100 billion level, the platform ductility is in the tumor, chronic disease, neuropsychiatric category, and the nuclear drug belongs to the phenomenon level or the tactical level, it is not yet known that the global market of this class of drugs in 2023 will be 13 billion US dollars, and it can reach 7 billion yuan in China, and the platform malleability will be in a variety of disease diagnosis, tumor treatment, etc.

Under the trend of big data and new consumption, business has such new possibilities

At the meeting, a roundtable forum with the theme of "New Business Possibilities under Big Data and New Consumption Trends" was held, which was chaired by Mao Hongliang, a senior pharmaceutical marketing expert, and discussed with representatives of Buchang Pharmaceutical, KPC, Xianju Pharmaceutical, Jointown and other enterprises.

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

With the progress of society, the development of science and technology, and the diversification of consumer needs, it is obvious that it is difficult to adapt to the current marketing environment in the past by judging by experience and making decisions. In recent years, technologies such as big data and AI have developed rapidly and are constantly penetrating. For pharmaceutical companies, how to adapt to changes with the help of science and technology, and how to gain competitive advantages and discover business opportunities under big data and new consumption trends?

Wang Yong, general manager of the marketing department and general manager of the business department of Buchang Pharmaceutical Group, said that at present, great progress has been made in marketing decision-making and product selection under digital empowerment, and Buchang Pharmaceutical is also gradually entering the fields of chemical drugs, biological drugs, big health, and daily chemicals. Use big data, AI and other technologies to do accurate development, drive drug R&D and innovation, and improve management efficiency. Minenet's data is a great help in the development of marketing strategies, and the results will be more pronounced if the balance between data and the ideas of decision-makers can be achieved.

Tian Gang, head of BD of KPC, mentioned that in recent years, the number of approved new Chinese medicine drugs is not as good as that of new chemical drugs, coupled with the impact of policies such as centralized procurement of Chinese patent medicines and price reductions under window guidance, the pricing power of stock varieties has gradually disappeared, and what is the future of the Chinese medicine market? He believes that Chinese medicine companies can choose better R&D directions through big data analysis. As for AI technology, he believes that R&D is a standardized process, and AI may not be able to help the whole process, but in the final analysis, whether it is big data or using AI as a tool, the best solution is only when it falls on products with pricing power and access qualifications.

Lu Jing, CE director of Xianju Pharmaceutical, said that the growth and profits of chemical drug companies involved in the API business are limited by various factors in the international market, and they are more sensitive to market big data analysis, which can be applied to the combined analysis of the upstream and downstream industrial chains to control the overall situation. AI technology helps pharmaceutical companies reduce labor costs, and helps pharmaceutical companies achieve clearer, more accurate, and more efficient product promotion when promoting products to hospitals. Minenet data is very helpful for companies to do a good job in positioning, expectation judgment, etc., which can be used for reference and let decision-makers see the situation clearly.

Yi Yan, general manager of the central marketing department of Jointown Pharmaceutical Group, believes that big data can resist risks, understand the market situation through all channels before making decisions, and select products that match resources and capabilities through data analysis. He believes that digital marketing is still in its infancy, and there are barriers to access to a lot of information, and information cannot be converted into kinetic energy, which requires a process of hard work. AI technology can improve efficiency, and big data can help enterprises see accurately, sort out and do it.

Mao Hongliang, a senior pharmaceutical marketing expert, finally concluded that whether it is big data or AI technology, we must first evolve our thinking and have the courage to try new things. In the face of the real environment such as institutional reform and the return of drugs to clinical needs, decision-makers can create more business dividends through a keen perspective and help enterprises transform rapidly, which is the ultimate goal. Although the iceberg is still there, through the adjustment of channels and marketing methods, pharmaceutical colleagues will continue to move forward and climb the peak.

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better
Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better
Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

During the forum, the release ceremony of "2024 China Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Gold Medal Analyst & 2024 Intranet Gold Medal Experience Officer" was held, which is a high respect for practitioners who focus on pharmaceutical data research, use data to promote the implementation of corporate strategies, and are committed to building a data ecology in the pharmaceutical and health industry.

Attached: List of winners

Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better
Variety planning and layout, disease track exploration...... Data makes decisions better

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