
What university can I go to with a score of 390 in the college entrance examination? A list of schools that can apply for the exam with a score of 390 is attached

author:The world of small candies

  After the gaokao scores are announced, take a look at the admission rankings of universities across the country in previous years to choose schools and majors. Here, we bring you a summary of the list of universities and majors that students with a score of 390 in the 2023 college entrance examination can consider. If you take the college entrance examination in 2024, you should pay special attention to the comparison when referring to the information.


  Public universities: North China Electric Power University (Baoding), Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, East China Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Medical University.

  Private and other universities: Beijing University of Foreign Chinese, Shanghai University, Nanjing Normal University, Northeastern University.


  Public colleges: Zhejiang Commercial Vocational and Technical College, Ningbo Vocational and Technical College, Shangqiu Medical College. Private and other institutions: Xiamen Huaxia University, Shanghai Jianqiao University.


  Public colleges: Hunan Communications Vocational and Technical College, Haidu College of Qingdao Agricultural University, Tianjin Railway Vocational and Technical College. Private and other institutions: Xinhua College of Ningxia University, Jiangxi Electric Power Vocational and Technical College. Hebei

  Public universities: Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences, Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Shanxi Vocational University of Engineering and Technology.

  Private and other institutions: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu College, Guilin Tourism College.


  Public institutions: Tibet University for Nationalities, Jinzhong University, Shangluo University, Henan University of Urban Construction, Zhengzhou Institute of Engineering and Technology.

  Private and other institutions: Sichuan Tourism University.

  Shandong College Entrance Examination: Universities with a minimum score of 390

  In the 2023 enrollment and admission, there are 6 universities that can go to Shandong with a score of 390 in the college entrance examination, namely: Anhui Radio, Film and Television Vocational and Technical College, Hubei Vocational College of Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Foreign Affairs, Yancheng Preschool Normal College, Zaozhuang University, and Liaoning Financial Vocational College.

What university can I go to with a score of 390 in the college entrance examination? A list of schools that can apply for the exam with a score of 390 is attached
senior high school province batch


Minimum Minutes



Anhui radio, film and television vocational skills

Faculty of Art

Anhui Two 390 425813
Hubei Vocational College of Science and Technology Hubei Two 390 426424
Xi'an University of Foreign Affairs Shaanxi Two 390 426966

Yancheng Preschool Normal College

Departmental Schools

Jiangsu Two 390 427342
Zaozhuang College Shandong Two 390 427499
Liaoning Vocational College of Finance Liaoning Two 390 427733

  Shandong College Entrance Examination: Majors with a minimum score of 390 points

The lowest score in the 2023 Shandong College Entrance Examination

List of college majors with a score of 390

High School Name batch Professional name
Wuchang Shouyi College Two

Machinery manufacturing and


Wuchang Shouyi College Two Modern communication technology
Yenching Institute of Technology Two Big Data & Accounting
Xi'an University of Foreign Affairs Two

Automobile manufacturing with

Test technology

Haikou University of Economics Two

International Economy &


Zaozhuang College Two

Real estate management

and management

Shaanxi Institute of Fashion Engineering Two Big Data & Accounting
Qingdao Vocational and Technical College Two

Hotel Management &

Digital operations

Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College Two Environmental Engineering Techniques
Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology Two

Machinery manufacturing and


Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology Two

Electrical automation


Shandong Urban Construction Vocational College Two

Building decorator

process technology

Jiangsu Vocational College of Urban and Rural Construction Two

Building steel structure

Engineering technology

Jingzhou Vocational and Technical College Two preschool education
Gansu Forestry Vocational and Technical College Two Big Data & Accounting
Jingzhou Polytechnic Vocational College Two

Small and medium-sized enterprises

Business & Operations

Jingzhou Polytechnic Vocational College Two Integrated circuit technology
Shandong Water Conservancy Vocational College Two Construction Engineering Technology
Shandong Water Conservancy Vocational College Two

Prefabricated buildings

Engineering technology

Enshi Vocational and Technical College Two preschool education
Jiangxi Vocational College of Applied Engineering Two Intelligent control technology
Laiwu Vocational and Technical College Two Construction Engineering Technology
Laiwu Vocational and Technical College Two Modern logistics management
Heze Home Economics Vocational College Two nursing
Zaozhuang Vocational College of Science and Technology Two Digital media technology
Shandong Information Vocational and Technical College Two E-commerce
Shandong Information Vocational and Technical College Two

Drone applications


Hotan Normal College Two Early education
Shandong Pharmaceutical and Food Vocational College Two

Biological product inspection

Inspection and quarantine

Shandong Pharmaceutical and Food Vocational College Two Cosmetic technology
Shandong Pharmaceutical and Food Vocational College Two

Smart medical packs

Equipped with technology

Fuyang Vocational and Technical College Two E-commerce
Binzhou Vocational College Two Chemical Biotechnology
Binzhou Vocational College Two Petrochemical technology
Binzhou Vocational College Two Intellectual property management

Yancheng Preschool Normal College

Departmental Schools

Two Construction Engineering Technology
Tianjin Petroleum Vocational and Technical College Two Engineering Surveying Techniques

Jinan Preschool Normal College

Departmental Schools

Two Early education
Suqian Vocational and Technical College Two

Smart products on

Development and application

Dongying Vocational College of Science and Technology Two preschool education
Guangzhou Health Vocational and Technical College Two Traditional Chinese medicine health care

Suzhou Industrial Park Vocational Technology

Faculty of Art


Building decorator

process technology

Jiangxi Water Conservancy Vocational College Two Construction Engineering Technology
Jiangxi Water Conservancy Vocational College Two

Internet of Things applications


Shandong Industrial Vocational College Two Big Data & Accounting
Shandong Industrial Vocational College Two Visual Communication Design
Shandong Liming Vocational College of Science and Technology Two traditional Chinese medicine
Liaocheng Vocational and Technical College Two pharmacy
Dalian Shipping Vocational and Technical College Two

Customs & Foreign Trade


Shandong Vocational and Technical College of Labor Two E-commerce
Zaozhuang Vocational College Two Big data technology
Yichun Vocational College Two Midwifery
Shandong Electronic Vocational and Technical College Two Marketing
Jiangxi Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College Two

New energy vehicles


Shandong Vocational College of Transportation Two E-commerce
Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College Two Pharmaceutical production technology
Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College Two Big Data & Accounting

Xinjiang Uygur Medical College


Two Medical testing techniques
Shandong Commercial Vocational and Technical College Two Marketing

Anhui radio, film and television vocational skills

Faculty of Art

Two Photographic and videography techniques
Hubei Vocational College of Science and Technology Two Marketing
Taishan Nursing Vocational College Two Chinese Materia Medica
Liaoning Vocational College of Finance Two

Financial Services vs


Shandong Vocational College of Commerce Two

Infant and toddler care

Service & Management

Guangxi Natural Resources Vocational Technology

Faculty of Art

Two Big Data & Accounting
Qingdao Vocational College of Engineering Two

Material Molding &

Control technology

Qingdao Vocational College of Engineering Two Integrated circuit technology

  The above information is for reference only.

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