
Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 28, a series of celebrations of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank kicked off, and all party members participated in the celebrations.

Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Before the "two excellent and one first" commendation meeting, Zhang Dajie, secretary of the party committee of the bank, organized all party members to carefully study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and carried out exchanges, studies and discussions. The meeting emphasized that the study of the theoretical center group of the Party committee should adhere to the strict implementation of the "first topic" in place, take the study and comprehension of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the construction of party discipline as an important task of party discipline study and education, and combine the work of strengthening credit management, preventing financial risks, and operating in accordance with laws and regulations of the whole bank. The whole bank should pay attention to the quality and efficiency of learning, improve the quality of discussions, and transform and promote the actual results of various work, deeply rectify the problems and shortcomings in operation and management, educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to establish a correct outlook on performance and career, firmly live the concept of "tight days" and "hard days", and truly transform the discipline consciousness and work enthusiasm inspired by party discipline learning and education into a powerful driving force for promoting high-quality development.

Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Hold a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first". Over the past year, Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members of the Bank have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Central Conference on Finance, Economy and Rural Work, conscientiously implemented the work arrangements of the Provincial Associated Press and the Ankang Audit Center, firmly anchored the goal of creating the party building brand of "Rural Credit Party Flag Red", drew a beautiful blueprint for "characteristic party branches", and fully implemented a series of measures of "strong management and strict governance, upright conduct and discipline". Outstanding Communist Party member and outstanding party worker. On the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, 4 advanced party branches including the party branch of the organ, 6 outstanding party workers such as Wu Chao, and 9 outstanding communist party members including Xie Heng were commended.

Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The secretary of the party committee gave a special party course on party discipline study and education. Zhang Dajie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Bank, gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education with the title of "Strictly Abide by the "Six Disciplines", Forge the "Rural Credit Iron Army", and Gather the Power of High-quality Development and Forge Ahead with the Spirit of Courage and Self-Revolution". The course mainly focuses on the content and requirements of the party's centralized learning and education since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; Deeply understand the party's "six disciplines", and constantly build a "firewall" of rules; Take the case as a lesson to strengthen the sense of discipline, and give in-depth explanations to Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank in terms of escorting its stability and long-term development. He pointed out that the study and education of party discipline is an important political task at present, and it is necessary to normalize and continue to reflect on the "six disciplines", and truly turn the "lessons in the eyes" into "the vigilance engraved in the heart", so as to ensure that the study and education of party discipline are in the brain and heart, and the results are achieved in action. The whole bank should take the case as a reference, strengthen the awareness of rules, strictly abide by the "six disciplines", strive to be an example of discipline and observance, strengthen self-restraint, engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in their hearts and implement them, and continue to test the results of party discipline learning and education with real high-quality development results in operation and management and new changes and new improvements in the construction of the bank's work style.

Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Review the oath of joining the party. On the occasion of "July 1st", the party committee of the bank organized party members to review the oath of joining the party. Zheng Zheng's oath is sonorous and powerful and urging people to forge ahead, which is "an agreement", a political oath, a loyalty commitment, and a responsibility between every party member and the party organization. Party members have expressed that they should continue to work in the future, conscientiously study party rules and party discipline, build political loyalty, strictly abide by the red line of discipline, and establish a new image of "Rural Credit Iron Army" in the new era of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility.

Celebrating "July 1st" and recalling the original intention and strengthening the party spirit and making new contributions - the Party Committee of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Held the second quarter party building situation analysis meeting. Before the meeting, the members of the party committee team gave on-site guidance and comments on the party building materials of the Baolian branch through on-site "drying and evaluation". At the meeting, the meeting summarized and reviewed the remarkable results of the party building work in the first half of the year, carefully analyzed the shortcomings and gaps in the party building of each branch, and made detailed arrangements and arrangements for the party building work in the second half of the year. Adhere to strict and pragmatic work, and do a good job in the key work of party building in the second half of the year. It is necessary to firmly adhere to the fundamental purpose of "the party manages finance", and take strict performance of responsibilities and accountability as the guide, and enhance the consciousness and initiative of party building. All branches should complete the sorting of basic data on party building in the first half of the year on time according to the list of party building tasks. Adhere to the overall promotion and continue to strengthen brand building. Solidly carry out the creation of the "Rural Credit Party Flag Red" brand, take the creation of the party building brand as a powerful starting point and an important breakthrough to promote the integrated development of party building work and business, realize "one branch, one brand, one characteristic", and inject strong "red power" into the development of the whole bank. Adhere to the problem-oriented, persevering in the right style and discipline. It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented, result-oriented, and goal-oriented supervision, inspection, training and guidance of the party building work of the branch, and draw inferences from one case to another and formulate specific measures for the problems found, so as to achieve both "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment".

Organize training on party affairs. The training was carried out in various forms such as pre-conference exchanges, theoretical learning, and case analysis, and was closely guided by the "seven systems" of "three meetings and one lesson" of the grassroots party branch, the theme party day, the organizational life meeting, the democratic evaluation of party members, heart-to-heart talks, the collection of party dues, and the reporting of party members. At the same time, the training combined with the investigation of the housing community, the inspection of party building and the supervision and supervision of the Commission for Discipline Inspection found problems, one by one analyzed, and put forward rectification suggestions. All branch secretaries and branch members are required to earnestly perform their duties of party building, focus on the standardization and standardization of branches, continue to strengthen the study and study of theoretical knowledge and party building business, adapt to the requirements of party affairs in the new era, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the high-quality development of the whole bank.

Visit and comfort party members and veteran party members in difficulty. On the occasion of the "July 1st", the party committee organized activities to express condolences to party members and old party members in difficulty. The members of the party committee came to send them the care and holiday blessings of the party organization, talked with them cordially, asked about their physical and living conditions and problems that need to be solved, and told them to take care of their health, maintain a good mental state, and continue to support the development of Hanyin Rural Commercial Bank.

Watch the anti-corruption education video. At the end of the series of celebrations, all party members were organized to watch the clean government education film "Centennial "Discipline" Memories, warning party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their original mission, always introspect, strictly abide by discipline and rules, and guide party members and cadres not to touch the "red line" and "bottom line", take the initiative to consciously accept disciplinary supervision, mass supervision, and social supervision, and abide by honesty and integrity.

Carrying out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party is not only a review and commemoration of the glorious history of the party, but also a spiritual baptism and encouragement for all party members of the bank. Through the activities, the ideals and beliefs of all party members were further strengthened, and the sense of honor, mission and responsibility of all members was stimulated, and they devoted themselves to business operation with more active and full enthusiasm for work, and worked hard and did good deeds to achieve the task goal of "double more than half", and continuously made new and greater contributions to the realization of steady, sustainable and high-quality development and the construction of splendid Hanyin in the whole bank.

Editor in charge: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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