
The Party Group of Qianyang County Animal Resources Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and promoting development" to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will solidly promote the study and education of party discipline and promote the quality and efficiency of all aspects of animal husbandry. On the afternoon of June 28, the Party Group of Qianyang County Animal Resources Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Promoting Development" to celebrate "July 1st". More than 40 people attended the meeting, including the secretaries of the party branches of the bureau, the head of the animal husbandry and veterinary station of each town, and all the staff of the bureau.

The Party Group of Qianyang County Animal Resources Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and promoting development" to celebrate "July 1st".
The Party Group of Qianyang County Animal Resources Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and promoting development" to celebrate "July 1st".

The meeting demanded that we should strengthen our ability to improve theories. In accordance with the overall requirements of "four stresses and one around, eight grasping and five opposing", we should carry out party discipline learning and education, implement the "nine ones" prescribed actions, and regularly carry out activities such as "great ability improvement, post training, and business competition", so as to promote the high-quality development of the first industry with the change of style, the power of development, and the promotion of catching up and surpassing. We must work together to do practical things. Keeping an eye on the "double more than half" task goal, we will connect the party discipline learning and education with the "quality and efficiency improvement of the dairy goat industry", accelerate the construction of "intelligent mobile sheep house" centralized breeding demonstration sites and other projects, comprehensively promote the "six" core technologies of dairy goat quality and efficiency, strengthen disease prevention and control, increase the frequency of milking, implement full-ration feeding, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the industry. It is necessary to change the style of work and promote development. According to the outstanding problems in industrial development, project construction, technical service guidance, etc., we should start from the details, strictly implement them, seriously investigate and put them in place, strictly rectify them, and promote the great improvement of the quality of cadres and workers in the animal husbandry system and the great change in their work style.

The Party Group of Qianyang County Animal Resources Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and promoting development" to celebrate "July 1st".

At the meeting, all the staff were organized to collectively watch the warning education films such as "The "Big Waywardness" Behind the "Small Rights", the special counseling "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and the oath of joining the party. By carrying out this theme party day activity, the political awareness and organizational concept of party members have been improved, and new impetus has been gathered for the acceleration of industrial development.

Editor in charge: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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