
The Party Committee of CPIC Group carried out the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party

author:Cutting-edge fashion Xinjiang
The Party Committee of CPIC Group carried out the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party

On the morning of July 1, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, inherit the glorious tradition of the party, and carry forward the great spirit of party building, the Party Committee of CPIC Group organized an activity to review the oath of joining the party in the South No. 1 workplace.

The Party Committee of CPIC Group carried out the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party

Fu Fan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CPIC Group, led all the party members and comrades on the scene, facing the bright red party flag, lined up neatly, stood solemnly, raised his right fist, and swore again. Before reviewing the oath of joining the party, Zhao Yonggang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of CPIC Group, presented a political birthday card to the party members who joined the party on July 1. Zhou Liyun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union of CPIC Group, presided over the event.

The Party Committee of CPIC Group carried out the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party

Don't forget the way you came and forge ahead on a new journey. By reviewing the oath of joining the party, party members and comrades have expressed that they will conscientiously implement the requirements of the central committee, superiors and the party committee of the group, keep in mind the identity of party members, keep in mind the pursuit of career, keep in mind the responsibility and mission, keep in mind the discipline and rules, and strictly demand themselves with the standard of a communist party member everywhere. Deliver on your solemn promises.

A total of 103 party members and comrades, including members of the Party Committee of CPIC Group, members of the Party organization team such as Pacific Health Insurance, CPIC Capital, directly under the Group, and the Audit Center, as well as department heads, party member representatives and probationary party member representatives, participated in the activity of reviewing the oath of joining the party.

The Party Committee of CPIC Group carried out the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party

After the event, the main leaders of the Party Committee of CPIC Group also visited the "Strict Discipline and Keeping the Original Intention, Striving to Start a New Journey - CPIC Party Discipline Learning and Education Theme Exhibition".

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