
Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management and Protection Center went to Qujiawan Red Education Base to visit and study

author:Suizhou Forum

Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management Center

Visit and study at Qujiawan Red Education Base

Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management and Protection Center went to Qujiawan Red Education Base to visit and study

In order to strengthen the patriotic education and revolutionary tradition education of all party members and cadres, and enhance the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on June 25, the party branch of the municipal greening management and protection center organized nearly 30 party members and cadres to visit and study the former site of the revolutionary base in western Hunan and Hubei in Qujiawan, Honghu City.

Honghu was the center of the revolutionary base in western Hunan and Hubei during the Second Civil Revolutionary War, and Qujiawan in Honghu City was the capital of the western Soviet district of Hunan and Hubei. From 1927 to 1934, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the revolutionary pioneers represented by He Long, Zhou Yiqun, and Duan Dechang persisted in armed struggle and fought bloody battles to establish the revolutionary base area in western Hunan and Hubei centered on the Honghu Soviet District.

Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management and Protection Center went to Qujiawan Red Education Base to visit and study

It takes 3 hours to drive to your destination. Under the guidance of the commentator, everyone came to the martyrs' cemetery, with great reverence, lined up, in front of the martyrs' monument, laid wreaths, bowed three times, and walked around the monument for a week, in order to express their high respect and deep remembrance for the revolutionary martyrs. Witnessed by the towering monument, all party members faced the bright red party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and expressed their loyalty to the party and their determination to fight for the cause of communism for life.

Subsequently, along the long streets and alleys, stepping on the mottled stone roads, we successively visited the Soviet Government of Western Hunan and Hubei Province, the Revolutionary Military Committee of Western Hunan and Hubei and other old revolutionary sites, and relived the arduous process of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in pioneering the revolutionary cause at close range, and deeply felt the "Honghu Spirit" of the revolutionary martyrs who worked hard, persevered, and marched forward bravely.

Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management and Protection Center went to Qujiawan Red Education Base to visit and study

In the afternoon, everyone watched the live performance of the water guerrilla warfare, the main battlefield of the Honghu Red Guards, and watched the red opera "Seeing the Liberation of the Toiling People of the World", and felt the scene of the guerrillas who were not afraid of sacrifice and fought bravely, and comprehended the unyielding fighting spirit of the revolutionary martyrs.

The red tour of Honghu Lake has made all party members and cadres deeply baptized, and everyone has expressed that they should take the revolutionary ancestors as an example, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, never forget their original intentions, love and dedication, and contribute to the construction of the urban-rural integration development demonstration zone.

Party members and cadres of the Municipal Greening Management and Protection Center went to Qujiawan Red Education Base to visit and study

Photo: Jin Hongmei

Edit: Meditation is like snow

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