
National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Gongfu Dou Store
National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held
National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held


In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and effectively strengthen the study and education of party discipline, at 19 o'clock on the evening of June 30, Doudian Town and the High School Affiliated to the China Academy of Drama jointly held a special performance of party discipline learning and education, and enjoyed the performance of the original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun".

National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held

The performance opened with the Peking Opera "Minzi is as Big as the Sky", and to the accompaniment of traditional folk music such as erhu, jinghu, pipa, and guzheng, the actors sang the red movement in a melodious opera, demonstrating the influence of the people-oriented on the rise and fall of dynasties since ancient times. Subsequently, the Kunqu opera "Politics and Virtue", the recitation of "Haoran Qi", the Peking Opera "Please Don't Lose Your Conscience" and other programs used different performance forms to tell that officials must have a conscience, have a heroic spirit, take virtue as a government, and be honest and honest. In the combination with the traditional Chinese opera culture, through the ancient teachings, historical stories and other ways to carry out party discipline learning and education, the audience was immersed in the performance, in the climax of each program applauded again and again, the atmosphere of the audience was very harmonious. The performance ended in the Peking Opera "The People Are the Mountains", with lyrics such as "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat", "The country is the people, and the people are the country", which fully praised the noble feelings of the Communist Party of China to take the people as the center and serve the people, and infected every audience present.

National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held

"This performance is really wonderful, the combination of party discipline education and traditional drama, innovative form, let us watch very devoted, the teachers and students of the high school attached to the China Academy of Drama are very professional, the whole performance immersed in it. Through this performance, I was deeply touched, since the founding of the Communist Party of China, the purpose of serving the people, as a government worker, I must be more responsible, serve the people, always think about the people, and contribute my own strength in ordinary posts! A party member who watched the performance told reporters.

National Charm Elegance, Clean Government, Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Performance The original opera concert "Qingfeng Yun" was successfully held

It is reported that this concert focused on the theme of clean government and clean air, created a number of musical works with a strong opera style, vividly interpreted the noble pursuit and mission of the communists for the happiness of the people, rejuvenation for the nation, and harmony for the world, and eulogized the great practice of uprightness, discipline and anti-corruption in the new era, and is a vivid practice of solidly carrying out party discipline study and education and conveying clean and healthy atmosphere. The culture of honesty and honesty nourished the hearts of everyone present and shined in the national charm.

In the next step, Doudian Town will continue to carry out party discipline education-related activities, strengthen the ideological awareness of party members, and make party discipline deeply rooted in everyone's hearts.

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