
To celebrate the "July 1st" party founding day, the activities of people from the press and cultural circles entering the campus were held in Xiping High School

author:Zhumadian network

Zhumadian Network News (Reporter Xu Jing Trainee Reporter Zhao Yongtao) On July 1, led by the Propaganda Department of the Xiping County Party Committee, the city-level media, county-level media and other news and cultural figures walked into Xiping High School to collect style, interact with teachers and students, and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Guo Chenguang, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Xiping County Party Committee, Jiao Yanyan, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Sun Yanqin, Chairman of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Gao Shujun, Director of the County Financial Media Center, Xi Jiakun, Executive Vice President of the County Yanhuang Culture Research Association and the Cultural Construction Promotion Association, Tian Chunyu, member of the Party Group of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Chairman of the County Writers Association, attended the symposium.

The symposium was chaired by President Wang Xiaoli.

To celebrate the "July 1st" party founding day, the activities of people from the press and cultural circles entering the campus were held in Xiping High School

At the symposium, Wang Xiangyang, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of the school, introduced the construction of the new campus of Xiping High School.

Li Quanzhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiping High School, introduced the school's party building, education and teaching work and achievements, and implored people from the news and cultural circles to take this collection as a starting point to publicize and display the new style, new atmosphere and new style of Xiping High School education.

To celebrate the "July 1st" party founding day, the activities of people from the press and cultural circles entering the campus were held in Xiping High School

Guo Chenguang, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, fully affirmed the achievements of Xiping High School, and asked news and cultural workers to conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements for literary and artistic workers, vigorously publicize the new achievements of Xiping's various undertakings, vigorously publicize the new changes in Xiping's education work, vigorously support Xiping High School to achieve new development, and present to the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with excellent results.

To celebrate the "July 1st" party founding day, the activities of people from the press and cultural circles entering the campus were held in Xiping High School

After the forum, people from the media and cultural circles attended the opening ceremony of the school's summer camp and went deep into the school to collect information.

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