
"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

author:Strategize for a great cultural tourism

In the early morning, the square dance of uncles and aunts in the park is lively; Near noon, Wuqi Radio 103.8 Hz sounded on time in the square, and as the sun set, bursts of singing came from the small theater of the masses at the foot of Shengli Mountain. On weekends, take a 15-minute walk to the library to enjoy a reading time, go to the cultural center to receive cultural immersion, and go to the museum to travel through history...... The various forms and contents of public cultural services, rich and colorful cultural activities loved by the masses, have painted the cultural background of the small red city of Wuqi.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

Wuqi County is located in the northwest of Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, because of the famous Warring States general Wu Qi stationed troops here and got the name of the county, because of the Central Red Army's Long March victory foothold and go down in history. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the Wuqi County Party Committee and County Government have continued to carry forward the spirit of "Wuqi Initiative", and have made concerted efforts to build a demonstration county for the transformation of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", a pilot demonstration area for the construction of national cultural parks, and a demonstration area for the high-quality development of public cultural services in Shaanxi Province, and achieved fruitful results in cultural construction.

People-centered, highlighting the spirit of the times

"I am a veteran of our training courses, I have come to almost every session, and I have slowly learned a lot of things, and now I will send and receive red envelopes, video calls, and change WeChat avatars...... I really appreciate the library for keeping us up to date. An elderly reader said happily in the Wuqi County Library that he participated in the new "Smart Helping the Elderly, Loving Companion Silver Age" smart phone training course for the elderly, using learning as a platform to keep up with the times and enjoy culture.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

"The library staff also prepared brain teasers, tongue twisters, and participated in interactive games while learning, winning small gifts such as aprons and towels, which were practical and fun and had a warm atmosphere." Sister Chen, who also participated in the training, said happily.

Wang Haiyan, Director of Wuqi County Library, said: "As one of the practices to provide more intimate services for readers, the smartphone training activities are the application of the concept of promoting the high-quality development of public culture in the library, aiming to make smart life light up the sunset, so that the elderly can also enjoy the convenience and fun brought by technology." ”

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

It is reported that combined with the development trend of intelligence and the characteristics of many left-behind elderly people in rural areas, the organization and implementation of the "intelligent help for the elderly, love with the silver age" - Wuqi County Library elderly group smartphone training project, has been carried out for 35 consecutive periods, with more than 5,000 participants, to help the elderly cross the "digital divide". In August 2023, it won the second prize in the "Song of the Earth" Shaanxi Provincial Rural Public Cultural Service Innovation Competition, which provided an exploration experience for the elderly to better integrate into the information society.

In recent years, the digital construction of Wuqi county-level cultural centers and libraries has been promoted in an orderly manner, and no less than 200 online exhibitions, lectures, live broadcasts and other brand promotion activities have been carried out every year. Using digital technologies such as "VR+Internet" and "AR+Reality", we will gradually realize the digitalization and intelligence of 12 public cultural venues such as cultural centers, memorial halls, and museums, leading immersive experience and consumption. The county's 10 grassroots comprehensive service centers are equipped with online reading and digital cultural walls to realize online learning on the "cloud" side of the masses.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

At present, the wave of informatization is surging, and it is an inevitable trend for public libraries to take digital services as the traction and promote transformation and upgrading. Wuqi County Library is equipped with self-service card machines, self-service borrowing and returning machines, digital resource reading machines, reading kiosks, reading egg chairs, comic book VR reading all-in-one machines, ground interactive projections, superstar reading books and other equipment, and daily online "Red Story Painting - Today in History", and weekly release of "Wu Tu Audio", "Wu Tu Science Popularization", "Wu Tu Exhibition" and other three phases of push. With the help of science and technology, the time and space limitations of traditional libraries have been broken by breaking the time and space constraints of traditional libraries, so that the masses can enjoy modern public cultural services more conveniently.

"We adhere to the concept of 'people-centered', and while ensuring literature resources and improving the ability of think tanks to consult politics, we continue to improve facilities, optimize the environment, strengthen service innovation, and accelerate the construction of regional knowledge, information and learning centers." Wang Haiyan said that Wuqi County Library anchored the development goal of "first-class in the city, leading in the province, and well-known in the country", focused on building modern cultural venues, continued to promote digital upgrading, service model innovation and characteristic brand building, and provided more wonderful and high-quality public cultural products and services to the people, so that public cultural achievements could benefit more people.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

Excavate characteristic culture and protect the spiritual homeland

In Wuqi County in northern Shaanxi, there is a voice that penetrates the thickness of history and reverberates in this red land. This is a voice full of strength and hope, and it is the passionate melody brought by the "Voice of Victory" red song singing activity.

Since the launch of the event in October 2022, the streets and alleys of Wuqi County, whether it is a park in the early morning or a square in the evening, can always hear the passionate singing, which is people expressing their loyalty to the party, their love for the motherland, and their beautiful vision for the new era.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services
"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

The red song singing activity is not only a feast of literature and art, but also a spiritual baptism. It allows people to relive history in singing, feel the heroism and sacrifice of those revolutionary martyrs, and also let people draw strength from singing and move forward firmly. In a vocal room in Zaoshuwan Community, Wuqi County, a Sunset Red Choir composed of more than 50 elderly people is rehearsing a program using the cultural activity center provided by the community.

It is understood that since its establishment more than four years ago, the troupe has reached 110 members and has carried out more than 30 performances of various kinds. Every day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., they rehearse at the Community University for the Elderly, and go to Shengli Mountain Square to sing red songs in the evening.

"Once a person gets older, the circle of life becomes smaller. If there is nothing else to do except eat and sleep every day, life is very boring and boring. Li Yiren, a music teacher at Zaoshuwan Community Charity University for the Elderly, said.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

In order to comprehensively strengthen the popularization of art among the whole people, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, promote the spirit of patriotism, cultivate patriotic feelings for the party, and solidly promote the construction of a demonstration county for the high-quality development of provincial public cultural services, Wuqi County has specially issued the "Implementation Plan of Wuqi County on Carrying out the "Voice of Victory" Red Song Singing Activities", and strives to build a red cultural brand with extensive influence, communication and guidance. "After more than a year of practice and exploration, nearly 1,000 people participated in the on-site conduct and on-site accompaniment, which was deeply loved and welcomed by the majority of music lovers in the county." Qi Jian, director of the Wuqi County Cultural Center, said.

"The singing of the 'Voice of Victory' red song has become an important entertainment method for many citizens after tea and dinner, and at the same time enhancing the influence of advanced culture, it has also boosted the spirit of cadres and the masses to start a business." Gao Haizhu, director of the Wuqi County Culture and Tourism Bureau, said.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

Enrich the cultural supply and promote the quality of life

Since the creation of a provincial-level demonstration county for the high-quality development of public cultural services was launched in July 2022, Wuqi County has been guided by the practice of socialist core values and the structural reform of the supply side of public culture as the main line, increasing grassroots infrastructure support, in-depth implementation of cultural projects to benefit the people, and innovating and creating public cultural service models. Wuqi County invests more than 3 million yuan in key support every year to ensure that urban and rural people share high-quality and convenient public cultural services, and provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of high-standard and high-quality creation tasks.

Up to now, the county has 11 public cultural facilities such as the national first-class library, the national second-class cultural center, the history museum, the intangible cultural heritage center, the Long March Victory Memorial Park, the Wuqi Revolution Memorial Hall, 10 town (street) comprehensive cultural service centers, 99 village (community) comprehensive cultural service centers, 18 cultural centers and library branches, 46 service points, 9 provincial intangible cultural heritage lists, 18 municipal and 33 county-level intangible cultural heritage lists, 48 key cultural relics protection units, and 85 civilization practice stations (points and bases). More than 130 public cultural facilities in the county have all implemented the free opening policy, with an average weekly opening time of more than 48 hours.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

In order to enrich the cultural life of the masses, the "Our Chinese Dream - Culture into Ten Thousand Homes" activity organized by the Wuqi County Cultural Center has entered the community, town and village for 12 consecutive times, with rich content and diverse forms, covering singing and dancing, sketches, storytelling, etc. In addition to the performances written and performed by the literary and art workers of the Cultural Center, there were also aunts and uncles from the Long March community who put on the stage wonderful performances that were loved by the masses, such as Allegro, Qin dialect, musical instrument solo, cheongsam performance, etc., which were well received and appreciated by the masses.

Aunt Zhang, a retired worker, likes Qin Yan in her spare time, and this time she took the opportunity to show her hand on stage, and she was so happy that she was happy. "It doesn't matter whether the singing is good or not, such theatrical performances enrich the spiritual life of the elderly, and a good mood is the best."

"What the masses need, we will give, as a cultural worker, is to send high-quality programs and cultural feasts to the grassroots, to the doorstep of the people, so that the people can enjoy the fruits of development brought by high-quality public cultural services." Qi Jian said.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

In terms of increasing cultural supply, Wuqi County in accordance with the service concept of "rich and colorful cultural activities, improving the quality and efficiency of theatrical performances", relying on the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, 5.23 speech, National Day and other festival nodes, perennial "Our Chinese Dream - Culture into Ten Thousand Homes", Northern Shaanxi Storytelling Theater, opera into the countryside and other mass cultural activities, adhere to the daily mass cultural activities, carry out national reading promotion every week, and hold high-quality cultural performances every month, so that the people can share the fruits of cultural development.

"Wuqi Exploration" of Culture Casting Soul and Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services

"Culture is the soul of a city, and the development of a city is inseparable from the support of culture. The high-quality development of public culture is not only a pragmatic measure to continue to promote the transformation and development of Wuqi, but also an important starting point for ensuring and improving cultural livelihood and promoting social harmony. Gao Haizhu said that Wu Qi should take the creation of a provincial-level demonstration county for the high-quality development of public cultural services as an important measure to enhance the county's cultural soft power, vigorously implement cultural projects to benefit the people, improve the construction of public cultural facilities, and build a public cultural service system with richer connotations, so as to inject new vitality and add new luster to accelerate the high-quality development of the county economy.

(Qin Yi)

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