
The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

author:Zhumadian network

Correspondent: Liu Lijun, Su Nan

From June 27th to 28th, the People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqiqu to carry out party day activities with the theme of "clear direction, rules, positive atmosphere, and strong immunity", and deeply study the spirit of Jiao Yulu and the enthusiasm of Hongqiqu. Led by Zhang Aimin, secretary of the discipline inspection of the hospital, a team of 40 members of the party branch, outstanding party workers, outstanding party members, and outstanding section leaders reminisced the eventful years, felt the revolutionary tradition, and revisited the glorious party history in the form of on-the-spot practice.

The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

On the morning of June 27, in Lankao, comrades came to the Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall with great reverence to visit and study, and deeply remembered Jiao Yulu's deeds during his lifetime. Under the guidance of the commentator, the comrades looked at a large number of relics and pictures of his work and life during his lifetime, the weathered old things, and the touching pictures, as if everyone traveled to the shocking scene where Jiao Yulu led the people of Lankao to fight the heavens and the earth and control the "three evils". Comrade Jiao Yulu's tear-jerking true deeds and noble feelings of selfless dedication deeply touched many party members and cadres, and they all had tears in their eyes.

The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

Subsequently, the comrades came to Jiao Yulu Memorial Park to collectively pay tribute to the tomb of Jiao Yulu martyrs. On behalf of all party members and cadres, Zhang Aimin, secretary of the discipline inspection of the hospital, presented a flower basket to the tombstone of Comrade Jiao Yulu, and all comrades bowed to the tombstone of Jiao Yulu three times, and went around the mausoleum to pay attention to the tomb of Comrade Jiao Yulu, and deeply expressed their admiration for Comrade Jiao Yulu.

In front of the paulownia tree planted by Comrade Jiao Yulu himself, the comrades listened to the introduction, admired Jiao Tong, learned the story of "a tree and a person", and felt the Jiao Yulu spirit of "being close to the people and loving the people, working hard, being scientific and realistic, facing difficulties, and selfless dedication".

The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

On June 28, the comrades went to the Hongqi Canal in Linzhou City to receive training again. In the Youth Cave of the Red Flag Canal, walk the "Red Ribbon", climb the "Great Wall of Water", observe the Youth Cave, the key throat project of the Red Flag Canal, and feel the spirit of the Red Flag Canal of "self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication".

The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

Walk into the Hongqi Canal Memorial Hall, review the canal repair process through graphics, audio-visual and physical exhibitions, feel the construction scene of the 100,000 army fighting Taihang half a century ago, and observe the pivotal project of the Hongqi Canal - the sluice. The glorious images that can be sung and cried, the groups of hard-working people, the shocking scenes of the battle, and the unforgettable moving stories make the party members and cadres think long and feel a lot of emotion......

The People's Hospital of Queshan County organized party members and cadres to go to Lankao and Hongqi Canal to carry out theme party day activities

"Moved, shocked, and deeply inspired!" "We have to look back at the road, never forget the original intention, and continue to move forward!" During the 2 days of study, everyone often sighed like this. Everyone said that in the future work, they will vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu and Hongqiqu, cultivate a clean and healthy atmosphere, strictly abide by party rules and party discipline, be loyal to the party, live up to the people, uphold the hospital spirit of "unity and dedication, innovation and truth-seeking", continuously improve the level of medical and health services, and practice the mission and responsibility of Communist Party members with practical actions.

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