
Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

author:Wei Anshun

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled lettuce with carrots, beef stewed potatoes, pork skin and red bean soup, boiled eggs......

  At noon on June 18, when I walked into the canteen of the Central School in Maguan Town, Puding County, the students were eating a sumptuous lunch with relish. "I am really happy to be able to eat a hearty lunch at school every day, we are full, and we are more energetic to study!" Wu Yuheng, a first-year student, said happily.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

Students at the Central School in Maguan Town, Puding County, are having a meal

  In the spring of 2024, a total of 106 primary and secondary schools in Puding County will implement the nutrition improvement plan, including 88 primary schools, 14 junior high schools, and 4 nine-year consistent schools. A total of 53,882 students benefited from the Nutrition Improvement Program, including 34,349 in primary schools and 19,533 in secondary schools. All students are provided with meals in the canteen, and the meal rate is 100%.

  Dietary Diversity "Nutritious and Healthy at the Same Time"

  At 12 o'clock on the same day, the reporter came to the student canteen of Puding County No. 3 Middle School.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

The Central School of Maguan Town, Puding County, organized students to eat in the canteen

  "The school meals are different every day, and eating at school is nutritious and healthy, and my family doesn't have to work hard to prepare lunch for me, and I don't have to run back to my home to eat." Liu Ruiqi, a seventh-grade student at Puding County No. 3 Middle School, said.

  "The school is equipped with full-time teachers who are responsible for the management of the canteen, and according to the different seasons, we formulate recommended recipes for students' nutritious lunches every week, so as to provide students with nutritious lunches that are scientifically nutritious, colorful, flavorful, and nutritious, so as to ensure the healthy growth and nutritional needs of children and adolescents in our school." Luo Xing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Puding County No. 3 Middle School, introduced that the school strictly follows the requirements of the recommended recipes for nutritious lunches to purchase ingredients, scientifically match meals, and provide nutritious meals, so that each meal has "three dishes and one soup" + eggs, and reasonably matches animal and plant foods, with more than 12 kinds of ingredients per day.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

Students at the Central School in Maguan Town, Puding County, are queuing up to get food

  Dong Xian, a ninth-grader who lives at home on Yellow Bucket Street, has been living in the school for three years as he is about to graduate, and has been eating at school for three years, and he can't beat three meals a day. "I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at school every day, and the dishes look very good every day, not only nutritious, rich in variety, but also delicious. Dong Xianju said with a smile.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

Nutritious meals made in the canteen of the central school in Maguan Town, Puding County

  To provide students with a nutritious lunch with scientific nutrition, color, flavor and flavor, and to ensure the nutritional needs of school adolescents and children for healthy growth, Puding County fully considers the different energy needs of primary and secondary school students in the growth and development stages, and combines the differences in ingredients provided by seasonal changes, and scientifically compiles the "Puding County Primary and Secondary School Students' Meal Nutrition Guidance Recipe (Trial)" recipe in conjunction with relevant departments, so as to achieve dietary diversification, sufficient calories and reasonable balance to ensure that students eat well, eat nutritious and eat healthy.

  "Four unifications" procurement to protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of teachers and students

  At 10 o'clock in the morning, the reporter came to the canteen hall of the central school in Maguan Town, Puding County, and saw rows of dining tables and chairs neatly placed, and the staff in the kitchen were busy washing, cutting and stir-frying.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

Students from Puding County No. 3 Middle School are having a meal

  After putting on the protective "6-piece suit" and passing the whole body disinfection, the reporter followed Zhang Qingrong, deputy director of the general affairs office of Maguan Town Central School and full-time management of the canteen, into the kitchen to find out.

  "Lettuce must go through 'one wash, two washes, three soaks' before it can enter the next process." Qiu Jiangying, a staff member of the canteen, told reporters when cleaning the lettuce that at 6 o'clock in the morning, he and his colleagues came to the canteen early, and then began the day's work after accepting the ingredients delivered that day and filling in the record ledger.

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

The staff in the kitchen is busy

  "Every day's ingredients must strictly implement the 'four unifications' of food raw materials, that is, the centralized procurement system of 'unified recruitment, unified purchasing, unified distribution, and unified delivery', we will inspect the ingredients into the warehouse, and at the same time establish a safety management system for food processing, sample retention, storage, etc., in the school canteen, to ensure that every link in the implementation of the nutrition improvement plan is standardized, safe and orderly." Zhang Qingrong said.

  In order to do a good job in food safety, the school standardizes various operations from the aspects of raw material entrance, production process, personnel hygiene, environmental sanitation, and responsibility implementation, and insists that teachers and students eat the same pot of rice, use the same dish, drink the same pot of water, drink the same restaurant, and pay the same payment, so that teachers and students can become a community of interests in campus food safety, and teachers and students can share healthy "good food".

Strictly abide by the "four unifications" system and guard the beautiful "food" light - Puding County primary and secondary school students' meal management experience

Students from Puding County No. 3 Middle School are queuing up for a meal

  In recent years, Puding County has fully implemented the responsibility of the school principal as the "first responsible person" for food safety, improved the food safety management system, clarified the full-time (part-time) food safety management personnel, implemented job responsibilities, and achieved the determination of personnel and responsibilities, refined various safety measures, effectively strengthened the supervision of school food safety, promoted the professionalization, refinement, standardization and scientificization of school canteen safety management, and improved the standardized management level of school canteens.

  "Internet + Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove" to achieve intelligent supervision

  Washing, cutting, cooking, preparing...... Since 10 o'clock in the morning, the staff of the canteen of the central school in Maguan Town, Puding County, have been busy for lunch. With the help of cameras distributed in various areas, the kitchen situation in the school canteen can be seen at a glance through the mobile phone screen.

  "Through the 'Internet + Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove' project, the county education bureau implements 24-hour supervision of each school canteen, so that the ingredients of nutritious meals are transparent and traceable from storage, warehousing and cooking." Luo Wanjin, deputy director of the Puding County Education Bureau, said.

  As the first county in the city to complete the 100% coverage of "Internet + Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove", Puding County has further improved the requirements of the digital supervision system in combination with the previous operation and management, and carried out the collection and analysis of big data of regulatory information on a regular basis, so as to further improve the safety and intelligent supervision ability of school canteens.

  "With the opening of the 'Internet + Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove' platform, we can watch the kitchen work and related conditions of the canteen at any time through the mobile phone APP or WeChat applet, and at the same time, each class of the school has a safety officer, and the school adopts a weekly inspection and monthly supervision system of the central school to ensure the safety of the school's nutritious meals." Chen Yefeng, principal of the central school of Maguan Town, Puding County, said.

  According to reports, the construction of "Internet + Bright Kitchen Bright Stove" in Puding County through the implementation of the Bright Kitchen Bright Stove renovation project, not only can you view the key links of food processing and production such as food purchase inspection, storage, cleaning and cutting, cooking, tableware cleaning and disinfection, and food sample retention in real time, but also intuitively display it to the higher-level regulatory departments and teachers and students in the form of live video, so as to realize sunshine operation and transparent management, and create a platform for administrative supervision, social supervision and mass supervision.

  A small meal benefits the people's livelihood. In the next step, Puding County will further strengthen the responsibility supervision mechanism, continuously improve and update the management system, continuously improve the implementation level of the nutrition improvement plan, and effectively protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of students, so that adolescents and children can eat more balanced and comprehensive nutritious meals, promote the county's "flowers" to thrive, and continue to accumulate strength towards the future.

Reporter of Anshun Daily Financial Media Center

Wu Baocheng Lu Kaiwei

Editor-in-charge: Hu Xiao Proofreader: Zhang Jiachen Second trial: Mao Li Third trial: Chen Ming

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