
Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

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Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Zhou Xiaobo, a Zhumadian agricultural mechanic born in 1996, is a "veteran operator" with 15 years of cross-regional experience. As an "iron fan", he has witnessed every iteration of Lovol Ceres in the past 15 years. As the "captain", he leads an eight-month cross-district convoy of 17 family and friends every year.

Influenced by his parents, Zhou Xiaobo became the "second generation of machines"

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Speaking of the family's "cross-regional history of agricultural machinery", Zhou Xiaobo was proud in his demeanor, "My father, my uncle, and my cousin have several relatives who play agricultural machinery, and my father brought me on the road of agricultural machinery, and I like it myself, so I can't give up." At the age of 13, Zhou Xiaobo became his father's "little follower" on the cross-district road.

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

In 2016, 20-year-old Zhou Xiaobo began to work independently and joined the cross-regional army. According to the harvesting time of different crops, Zhou Xiaobo carried out regional planning, starting from Henan, along Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin all the way to the north to harvest wheat, and then to Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, the three eastern provinces and other places to harvest soybeans and corn.

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Wherever there is a bumper harvest, he will go, year after year, Zhou Xiaobo has gradually grown into a real professional agricultural mechanic.

He said, "Lovol Ceres is his old partner"

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

When it comes to dealing with agricultural machinery, Zhou Xiaobo, who has been in contact with Lovol Agricultural Machinery for more than ten years, has a deep feeling, "We are old partners, in 2010, the family bought a Ceres Golden Whirlwind, and the harvester was very efficient and profitable. Later, more and more people worked, and in 2012, they changed to a GE25. ”

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

The longer the cross-regional time, Zhou Xiaobo's trust in the Lovol brand is getting higher and higher, "Agricultural machinery updates are the same as mobile phones, and the performance technology is more superior from generation to generation." Like the GM100 I bought this year, it is comfortable to operate, easy to open, and the harvesting efficiency is high, and it is easy to harvest 20-30 acres more than others in an average day. ”

Set up a team and take the family to the cross-regional happiness road

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

"Last year's summer harvest and autumn harvest, we harvested an average of nearly 8,000 acres of land with one harvester!" Now, every three summers, he takes his convoy to various wheat harvest areas. Compared with other cross-district people who are enthusiastic and talk to farmers, Zhou Xiaobo seems to be a little "taciturn", and villagers who are familiar with him commented on him, "This young man is not very talkative, but he is a capable person, and he does more work than others, and he probably earns one or twenty acres more land a day than others." ”

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Zhou Xiaobo unloads grain with farmers

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

While having lunch, Zhou Xiaobo contacted the farmers

Zhou Xiaobo, who is so "practical", also has a heart that yearns for freedom. "I drove agricultural machinery across the country to all parts of the country, and I saw that the experience was long, the money was earned, and the hard work of harvesting was nothing."

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Zhou Xiaobo and his team member Chen Jiangbo

Agricultural Machinery Dreamer | Chasing Feng's family

Zhou's cousin also joined his cross-district team

For the future, Zhou Xiaobo is full of confidence, "Now my father, younger brother, as well as my uncle and cousin, and all my family have joined my team, and I have to cross the district for seven or eight months every year. What I want now is to lead this team and run towards happiness with everyone. ”

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