
"Health Science" A glass of cold soda in summer is twice as refreshing, you have to drink it this way to be healthier!

author:Fat and skinny food safety circle

The weather has been really hot lately, and the outside is simply a whole big steamer, sweating when you move, and after a while, your body will be slimy and wet.

At this time, if you can unscrew a bottle of cold soda and take a big sip, not to mention how refreshing it can be. Especially the kind with bubbles, when you drink it, it seems to light a string of small firecrackers on your tongue, crackling and bursting, making your tongue crispy and numb, and how refreshing it is.

So, the question is: why is it so refreshing to drink cold soda? Can't help but drink a big bottle at once, is it healthy?

Why is cold soda so cool?

Chilled soda is refreshing to drink, starting from the moment it is turned on, because from that moment on, a magical sensory journey begins.

Bubbles, auditory and visual stimulation

When you unscrew the cap, the brain will start to secrete dopamine with a "bang" sound and the bubble surging after the gas overflows, which is refreshing.

If it is a transparent bottle, or if the drink is poured into a transparent cup, the bubbles will collect on the top layer of the drink, forming a dense white layer like a honeycomb, and the sound of popping will also be refreshing.

Carbon dioxide, stimulates the trigeminal nerve, hurts and is happy

As the soda enters the mouth, countless bubbles touch the mouth and burst with it, many people will feel a slight numbness and tingling sensation, and some people even describe it as spicy, which is the most important reason why sparkling drinks are addictive.

The carbon dioxide contained in soda stimulates the trigeminal nerve cells in the mouth and nasal cavity, activates their TRPA1 channel, and triggers nerve excitement.

Carbonic acid, taste and pain are stimulated

The unique taste of carbonic acid comes from its stimulation that stimulates both taste and pain, achieving a dual effect. Carbon dioxide activates carbonic anhydrase receptors for carbonation and signals to the brain through acid-receptive cells, which stimulate the body to secrete endorphins. Endorphins are the source of happiness when we are benignly abused, allowing us to form a refreshing taste experience.

bubbles, which stimulates appetite

The carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages is injected at high pressure, and when it comes into contact with the stomach wall, it stimulates ghrelin secretion through a mechanism called mechanical sensing.

At the same time, the secretion of oral saliva and gastrointestinal digestive juices increases due to the stimulation of carbon dioxide, which increases the appetite and makes you want to drink more and more.

Chilled, it makes people feel more thirsty

Temperature changes the brain's perception of the drink. If you feel thirsty, neuronal activity in the brain's thirst center increases.

When drinking ice-cold drinks, as the temperature of the mouth decreases, it will directly reduce the activity of neurons in the thirst center, making our brains think that they have taken in a lot of water, so they will feel more thirst-quenching after drinking ice-cold drinks.

How can I drink chilled soda to be healthier?

Soda is actually water with carbon dioxide added. In daily life, we commonly see a lot of soda, which can be roughly divided into two categories according to different tastes:

1. Unseasoned sparkling water, i.e. water with only sparkling water, such as soda, Perrier, etc.;

2. Flavored sparkling water, that is, added sugar, sweeteners, flavors, etc., such as cola, sprite, etc.

Drink a healthy iced soda in the summer, pay attention to these 5 points:


Drink in moderation

The mainland dietary guidelines recommend that the average adult drink 1500~1700 ml of water per day. Of course, this is the recommended amount, and you don't need to abide by it, you can adjust it according to your own situation, for example, if it is summer, or if you exercise a lot and sweat a lot, you can drink more; For example, if the air in the north is dry, you can also drink more water; Another example is manual laborers or people who stay outdoors, thirst fast and drink more, and they can drink more.

In addition, if you sweat excessively, you should pay attention to replenishing electrolytes, as soda can only replenish water and cannot replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat.


Don't drink too much at once, pay attention to drink a small amount slowly

Chilled soda is a very refreshing thing to cool off the heat, but don't drink too much at one time, drink too quickly, it is recommended to drink slowly, in small amounts and many times.

The temperature of ice drinks, ice sodas, cold drinks, etc. is generally 20°C to 30°C lower than the temperature in the stomach, and a large number of cold drinks enter the body, which can easily stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, cause vasoconstriction, mucosal ischemia, thereby weakening the gastrointestinal digestive function, leading to headaches, and even leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cardiac arrest.


Cardiovascular elderly should try not to drink cold drinks such as iced soda

For the elderly, especially those with cardiovascular diseases, drinking ice water and ice drinks may not only cause stomach discomfort, but also cause cerebral vascular spasm, which may cause angina. Therefore, the elderly with cardiovascular problems should try not to drink cold drinks such as cold soda recklessly.


Avoid drinking cold soda after strenuous exercise in high temperatures

"Drinking ice water" may be the trigger for sudden cardiac death. Under the premise of high temperature and exercise, the human body is in a state of relatively high body temperature and relative cardiovascular expansion, and at this moment, sudden contact with excessive ice water, the temperature drops instantly, which is likely to cause sharp stomach cramps and cardiovascular spasms, and induce sudden cardiac death.


Pay attention to the sugar content

If you don't want to consume sugar and want to control your energy, it is recommended to give preference to unflavored soda with only gas; If you really want to drink something sweet, you can choose a diet soda with sugar substitutes.


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Author丨Ruan Guangfeng, Deputy Director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center

Audit丨Fan Zhihong, Associate Professor, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

Zhong Kai, Director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center

Planning丨Lin Lin

Source: Guangming Network

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