
Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

author:Fat and skinny food safety circle

Source: Flower Raising Daquan

Coke and Sprite are the best-selling drinks in the world, and they are very popular, both men and women, young and old, and even Coke is affectionately called "Happy Fairy Water" by many netizens. Carbonated drinks are not good for people's health, but they are very helpful for the growth of plants at home. Can carbonated drinks still raise flowers? There is no need to doubt, let's take a look at the wonderful use of carbonated drinks to raise flowers with Huahua!

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

Whether it is Sprite or Coke, carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, carbon dioxide, can promote the formation of chlorophyll in plants for photosynthesis, and the citric acid contained in carbonated drinks also has a certain bactericidal effect, can reduce the breeding of bacteria, sodium benzoate also has antioxidant properties, can delay the decay of flowers, is a good artifact for raising flowers.

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

1. Keep flowers fresh

Many flower friends usually like to buy some flowers at home, flowers are delicate and very vibrant, but it withers very quickly, generally 2-3 days to lose vitality, at this time we can use carbonated drinks to help keep flowers fresh.

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

Carbonated drinks such as cola or sprite contain sugar, which can make flowers come alive, and the sodium benzoate contained in them has antioxidant properties, which can maintain the integrity of cell membranes and prolong the freshness of flowers, so it is very good to use carbonated drinks to keep flowers fresh. But we should not insert it directly into the bottle, but dilute it well with half of the water, so as not to harm the flower itself.

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

2. Spray the blades

The effect of spraying leaves with carbonated drinks is also very good, and 10 times the water is mixed with weak acidity, used to spray plants like pothos, spider plants, monstera bamboo, etc., which like acidic environment The effect is very good, and the sterilization and dust removal can also make the leaves more green and shiny, which greatly improves the ornamentality.

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

We can also spray it on the incisions of the plant, which will prevent rot. However, Huahua should remind everyone that when spraying the leaves, we should try to spray from the bottom to the top or wipe the leaves with a rag dipped in water, otherwise it is very easy to cause the flowers to rot if they are accidentally sprayed on the flowers.

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

3. Promote composting

Carbonated drinks can also effectively promote composting, the weak acidic substances in it can help the compost to ferment quickly, speed up the decomposition of compost materials, and also promote the survival of some microorganisms in the compost, so usually we add some carbonated drinks to the compost The effect is very good, and it is several months faster than the usual composting!

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

Although carbonated drinks have many benefits for raising flowers, Huahua still reminds everyone not to pour carbonated drinks directly into the pot, which will seriously hinder the breathing of the roots, and even the heat it releases will burn the roots, which will cause great damage to the root system of the plant, not only can not achieve the effect we want, but also can easily lead to yellow leaves, falling leaves and even death. So we must follow the correct method before using it and then dilute it thoroughly!

Plants also love to "drink" drinks? Mix some carbonated drinks in the water, and the longer the flowers grow, the more vigorous they become!

I can't imagine that the carbonated drinks we often drink have so many wonderful uses for raising flowers, and flower friends can try it according to the correct way to use it!

Source: Flower Raising Daquan

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